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0.99999……は1ではない その3
ポエムはここに書いてね 2
現代数学の系譜 カントル 超限集合論2
量子テレポーテーション× ⇒ 位相変換
0.99999……は1ではない その5
暗黒通信団 02
0.99999……は1ではない その7
32 :
Inter-universal Teichmuller theory
Mathematical significance
Scope of the theory
Inter-universal Teichmuller theory is a continuation of Mochizuki's previous work in arithmetic geometry. This work, which has been peer-reviewed and well-received by the mathematical community, includes major contributions to anabelian geometry, and the development of p-adic Teichmuller theory, Hodge?Arakelov theory and Frobenioid categories.
It was developed with explicit references to the aim of getting a deeper understanding of abc and related conjectures. In the geometric setting, analogues to certain ideas of IUT appear in the proof by Bogomolov of the geometric Szpiro inequality.[15]

The key prerequisite for IUT is Mochizuki's mono-anabelian geometry and its powerful reconstruction results, which allows to retrieve various scheme-theoretic objects associated to an hyperbolic curve over a number field from the knowledge of its fundamental group, or of certain Galois groups.
IUT applies algorithmic results of mono-anabelian geometry to reconstruct relevant schemes after applying arithmetic deformations to them; a key role is played by three rigidities established in Mochizuki's etale theta theory. Roughly speaking, arithmetic deformations change the multiplication of a given ring, and the task is to measure how much the addition is changed.[16]
Infrastructure for deformation procedures is decoded by certain links between so called Hodge theaters, such as a theta-link and a log-link.[17]


現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む27
0.99999……は1ではない その3
面白い問題おしえて〜な 32問目
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Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 40
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TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 100〜終まで 2ch元 削除依頼