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現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む79
分布 distribution 超関数 hyperfunction一般化関数
Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 26
615 :
One of our teachers told us to read
one of the writer's original books and
write our feelings about it.
Those who grew up before the War
probably still remember that their
mothers scolded them, telling them
not to play in the garden.
When you read a book again that you
read several years ago, you are often
surprised to discover something new
you did not find when you read it for
the first time.
It is enjoyable to get letters, but
troublesome to answer them. I know
that I should reply to them, but I keep
putting it off until it becomes more
difficult to do so.

616 :
Needless to say, you need to be able
to speak foreign languages in order to
be a member of the global community.
A more important thing, however, is to
learn to be responsible for what you
do and know better than to bother
other people.
There is no doubt that in order to get
along in the global community, it is
necessary to be good at a foreign
language. However, it is even more
important to behave in a responsible
way and have enough common sense
not to bother others.
He lent me two novels, but I have not
yet read either of them. I have been
busy preparing for the exams for the
last two weeks.
I borrowed two novels from him, but I
have read neither of them. I have been
busy studying for the exams for the
past two weeks.
The essence of humor is not so much
to tell stupid jokes and make people
laugh as to love and be considerate of them.
When you try to be humorous, what
you should remember is not to make
people laugh by telling silly jokes, but
to show love and consideration toward them.
My three-year-old son is interested in
almost everything and always asks me
a lot of questions. Just the other day
he wanted to know what an angel
looked like, and I was at a loss for an answer.
My son, who is three years old, is
curious about almost all things and he
always asks me a lot of questions.
Just the other day, when he asked me
what an angel looked like, I was at a
loss what to say.

617 :
If people notice your faults, it is only
natural for them to pretend not to do
so. That is why you should think that
those who tell you what is difficult to
say are really good friends.
Even if people are aware of your faults,
they often act as if they knew nothing
about them. Therefore, if a friend
honestly tells you about them, you
should thank him or her.
If students looked up even half as
many words in Japanese language
dictionaries as they do in
English-Japanese dictionaries, they
would not be criticized for their poor
knowledge of Chinese characters.
If students consulted Japanese
language dictionaries at least half as
often as they do English-Japanese
dictionaries, older people would stop
complaining that they are poor at
reading and writing Chinese characters.
Soon after the bus left, a female
student just about my age got on and
sat beside me. We began to talk and
enjoyed ourselves so much that if the
driver had not announced my stop, I
would have gone past it.
Soon after the bus left, a female
student about the same age as I was
got on and took the seat next to me.
When I talked with her, I found the
conversation very interesting, so if the
driver had not told me, I might have
forgotten to get off.

素人には 8÷2(2+2) を16と答える馬鹿が居るらしい
現代数学の系譜 古典ガロア理論を読む39
面白い問題おしえて〜な 27問目
【東京/青梅】67歳男性殺害事件 「億単位の現金を持ってる」周囲に話す…同窓会でジュラルミンケース みんなの前で開くと現金びっしり★2
■ 大型車・特殊車両 板できました
機能性胃腸症スレ その28
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体重別スレッド50〜59kg台 4kg【ワッチョイなし】
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