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現代数学の系譜11 ガロア理論を読む34
ルベーグ積分や測度論のスレ その2
●●● 「無限」とはどういうことなのか? ●●●
期待値 という言葉?概念?が分からなくなったので誰か教えて
Inter-universal geometry と ABC予想 否定派
現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む41
数学の本 第87巻
496 :
>>494 つづき

(p. 373) "We omit the proof, because it is rather lengthy,
and one would hope to generalize the theorem by replacing
the rationals by an arbitrary dense set, and possibly to
show that the set of points at which g fails to be
Lipschitzian is a residual set."

NOTE: Sengupta/Lahiri had essentially obtained this result
in 1957 (the points of discontinuity have to form an
F_sigma set, however). See my remark in [13] above.
This result is also proved in Gerald Arthur Heuer,
"A property of functions discontinuous on a dense set",
American Mathematical Monthly 73 #4 (April 1966),
378-379 [MR 34 #2791]. Heuer proves that for each
0 < s <= 1 and for each f:R --> R such that
{x: f is continuous at x} is dense in R and
{x: f is not continuous at x} is dense in R,
the set of points where f does not satisfy a
pointwise Holder condition of order s is the
complement of a first category set (i.e. a co-meager
set). By choosing s < 1, we obtain a stronger version
of Sengupta/Lahiri's result. By intersecting the
co-meager sets for s = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ..., we get
a co-meager set G such that, for each x in G, f does
not satisfy a pointwise Holder condition at x for
any positive Holder exponent. (Heuer does not
explicitly state this last result.) A metric space
version of Heuer's result for an arbitrary given
pointwise modulus of continuity condition is essentially
given in: Edward Maurice Beesley, Anthony Perry Morse,
and Donald Chesley Pfaff, "Lipschitzian points",
American Mathematical Monthly 79 #6 (June/July 1972),
603-608 [MR 46 #304; Zbl 239.26004]. See also the last
theorem in Norton [17] below.


■■■■■■■■■■■■■   人工太陽
現代数学の系譜 工学物理雑談 古典ガロア理論も読む41
   0.99999……は1ではない その10
数学の本 第87巻
Inter-universal geometry と ABC 予想 44
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