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英文解釈のスレ Part 1
なんでも翻訳してやるから英文持って来い 21
紙の英和辞典について語るスレ 14
イギリス英語VSアメリカ英語 どっちが有利?★2
42 :
... And then there were none.

Okay, then, let me write a bit if nobody has time to pitch in.
Even if no one reads what I have to say, I will talk to myself anyway.

About six months ago or so, I read "Romeo and Juliet" in the original.
As just another Japanese, I naturally found it hard. But I tackled it
anyway. I'd always thought it totally indispensable for serious
learners of English to try Shakespeare in the original. Everybody
knows why. Shakespeare, together with the King James Version of the
Bible, constitutes a vital part of the English-speaking culture.

Okay, then, why R&J, why not "Hamlet" or "The Merchant of Venice"
or "Macbeth"? Well, I think I'll tackle all other works of Shakespeare
in the end, but I thought that it was a good idea for an almost
absolute beginner of Shakespeare to begin with R&J. Why? I found that
it had a plot most accessible to beginners. It's simple: it's well
understandable even to junior high students. The plot basically
revolves around Romeo and Juliet, falling in love despite the
outrageous rivalry between their respective families. Desperate,
they kill themselves in the end. That's about it. It's not as
complex as "Hamlet," "Macbeth," or other works, most of which
center around adult themes. (to be continued)

Ankiで暗記 6
マウスオーバー辞書を語るスレ Part4
おもてなし 即レス英会話
英文法・語法に関する質問はここでしろ! Part 13
英会話革命 その35
ケンブリッジ英検総合FCE, CAE, CPE他
翻訳業界関係者の泥舟(W/O ID) 356 艘目
個人輸入プロペシア単独服用者スレ 2
Fishing Planet part2
復活】新 ゼナックを語れ! Part1【最高峰】NIC
色違いポケモンを語るスレ 85キラーン
APS-Cこそがベストバランス Part.2
もう一回 シェンロンにまた泊まりたい
【合格点は36点以上】令和元年宅建士試験@35点スレ part4【35点以下は2020年へ再挑戦】
楠みちはる 首都高SPL〈スペシャル〉─ 銀灰のSPEED STER ─ Part 2
【夕刊フジ】韓国に連続制裁! 日本政府、観艦式から“韓国排除” 識者「各国の軍隊は『日本もやっと腹を固めたか』と…」[7/4]
【95XX】電力セクター 11
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