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邪馬台国畿内説 Part537
邪馬台国畿内説 Part553
邪馬台国畿内説 Part223
邪馬台国畿内説 Part538
高天原にある卑弥呼の墓 ◆2
603 :
It was late fall and the apple tree in the back yard had started shedding its fruit. There were half rotting apples all over the lawn, so I was raking them up and scooping them into bags for the trash.
I stopped to rest for a moment and my eyes fell to rest on the garage.
Like the house, it was brick with a slate roof. It had two large carriage-house type doors. Since the drive was large enough and there was a turnaround at the rear of the house, we generally left our vehicles outside.
The only time that we had even been inside the garage was when we had moved in. We had instructed the movers to store some things out there – things that we would not be needing for a while until we found our forever home. Suddenly,
I had an overwhelming urge to give the garage a closer inspection.
About forty feet to a side, it – like everything else about the property – was a rather large structure. There were no doors other than the carriage doors,
so I eased open one leaf just wide enough to step inside.
I felt around and my fingers eventually brushed up against a chain hanging from the ceiling rafters. I yanked and a single bare bulb cast a small pool of light around me.
I made my way through the garage pulling more chains and managed to illuminate most of the garage floor. All of our belongings – garden tools, lawnmower, my large shop tools,
and boxes of things that we hadn’t planned to use for a while – lay against a wall along one edge of the floor.
The only other thing in the garage was a four foot high pile of slate shingles in a back corner. I walked over and took one of the tiles in my hands. Heavy. The garage roof alone probably held tons of weight.
I couldn’t imagine roofing the entire house in slate.

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