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110 :
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Topic: Differentiability of the Ruler Function Dave L. Renfro Posted: Dec 13, 2006 Replies: 3 Last Post: Jan 10, 2007
Using ruler-like functions that "damp-out" quicker than any power of f gives behavior that one would expect from the above.

Let w:Z+ --> Z+ be an increasing function that eventually majorizes every power function.
Define f_w(x) = 0 for x irrational, f_w(0) = 1, and f_w(p/q) = 1/w(q) where p and q are relatively prime integers.

** f_w is differentiable on a set whose complement has Hausdorff dimension zero. Jurek [4] (pp. 24-25)

Interesting, each of the sets of points where these functions fail to be differentiable is large in the sense of Baire category.

THEOREM: Let g be continuous and discontinuous on sets of points that are each dense in the reals.
Then g fails to have a derivative on a co-meager (residual) set of points.
In fact, g fails to satisfy a pointwise Lipschitz condition, a pointwise Holder condition, or even any specified pointwise modulus of continuity condition on a co-meager set.
(Each co-meager set has c points in every interval.)


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[13] Gerald Arthur Heuer, "Functions continuous at irrationals and discontinuous at rationals", abstract of talk given 2 November 1963 at the annual fall meeting of the Minnesota Section of the MAA, American Mathematical Monthly 71 #3 (March 1964), 349.

The complete text of the abstract follows, with minor editing changes to accommodate ASCII format.

Earlier results of Porter, Fort, and others suggest additional questions about the functions in the title. Differentiability and Lipschitz conditions are considered. Special attention ispaid to the ruler function (f) and its powers.
Sample results:
If 0 < r < 2, f^r is nowhere Lipschitzian; f^2 is nowhere differentiable, but is Lipschitzian on a dense subset of the reals.
If r > 0, f^r is continuous but not Lipschitzian at every Liouville number;
if r > 2, f^r is differentiable at every algebraic irrational.
If g is continuous at the irrationals and not continuous at the rationals, then there exists a dense uncountable subset of the reals at each point of which g fails to satisfy a Lipschitz condition.

The last theorem follows from the following stronger and more general result.
Let f:R --> R be such that the sets of points at which f is continuous and discontinuous are each dense in R.
Let E be the set of points at which f is continuous and where at least one of the four Dini derivates of f is infinite.
Then E is co-meager in R (i.e. the complement of a first category set).
This was proved in H. M. Sengupta and B. K. Lahiri, "A note on derivatives of a function",
Bulletin of the Calcutta Mathematical Society 49 (1957), 189-191 [MR 20 #5257; Zbl 85.04502]. See also my note in item [15] below.


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[15] Gerald Arthur Heuer, "Functions continuous at the irrationals and discontinuous at the rationals", American Mathematical Monthly 72 #4 (April 1965), 370-373. [MR 31 #3550; Zbl 131.29201]

NOTE: Sengupta/Lahiri had essentially obtained this result in 1957 (the points of discontinuity have to form an F_sigma set, however).
See my remark in [13] above.
This result is also proved in Gerald Arthur Heuer, "A property of functions discontinuous on a dense set", American Mathematical Monthly 73 #4 (April 1966), 378-379 [MR 34 #2791].
Heuer proves that for each 0 < s <= 1 and for each f:R --> R such that {x: f is continuous at x} is dense in R and {x: f is not continuous at x} is dense in R, the set of points where f does not satisfy a pointwise Holder condition of order s is the complement of a first category set (i.e. a co-meager set).
By choosing s < 1, we obtain a stronger version of Sengupta/Lahiri's result.
By intersecting theco-meager sets for s = 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ..., we get a co-meager set G such that, for each x in G, f doesnot satisfy a pointwise Holder condition at x forany positive Holder exponent.
(Heuer does not explicitly state this last result.)
A metric space version of Heuer's result for an arbitrary given pointwise modulus of continuity condition is essentially given in: Edward Maurice Beesley, Anthony Perry Morse, and Donald Chesley Pfaff, "Lipschitzian points", American Mathematical Monthly 79 #6 (June/July 1972), 603-608 [MR 46 #304; Zbl 239.26004].

See also the last theorem in Norton [17] below.


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[17] Alec Norton [Kercheval], "Continued fractions and differentiability of functions", American Mathematical Monthly 95 #7 (Aug./Sept. 1988), 639-643. [MR 89j:26009; Zbl 654.26006]

On p. 643, Norton proves the following result.

Let f:R --> R be discontinuous on a set of points that is dense in R.
Then there exists a co-meager (i.e. residual) set B such that for all x in B and for all s > 0, f fails to satisfy a pointwise Holder condition of order (exponent) s at x.
NOTE: See also the comments I make in Heuer [15] and Nymann [16] above.



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