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■英文法書総合スレ Chapter39■
芸能人・有名人の英語力 PART9 by
【NHKラジオ講座】入門ビジネス英語 part2
Chat in English (英語で雑談):シリアスVer PART1
【Bizmates】ビズメイツ part1

Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 215

1 :2020/01/25 〜 最終レス :2020/03/08
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 ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄
Hey!!! All you NEETs, nerds, YouTube link spammers, pedophiles, neo-Nazis,
Yukorin enthusiasts, Nanako SOS admirers, Part-Time-Preachers,
Diplomats' spoiled sons, losers who can't remember Kanji characters,
Big-boobs fans, Weeaboo from around the world, learners of Japanese
who are too lazy to update their Japanese blogs very often, cunning
linguists, stupid fan girls of Johnny's Boys, Touhou pirates, and
that electrical super-gay who suffers from mental disease - This is your thread!
Let's hope the Internet-addicted housewife will come back soon!

We all wish for permanent world peace!


前スレ:Chat in English (英語で雑談) part 214

2 :

3 :
No prob.

4 :
Nanako SOS admirers

I remember about 10 years ago? there was someone who claimed he was a big fan
of Nanako SOS.. people still post such silly things in English in the middle of the day.. haha
Many English speaking NEETS or hikikomori exust in Japan. can't believe haha

5 :
Please give me a good idea about how to make a secret society
of english speakers in Japan.

6 :
It is not "No prob" but "You're welcome". I think so.

7 :
Secret? I don't know.
Many foreign tourists visit in Japan, so you had better to talk with them actively.
Most of them may ask you the way to somewhere. For example, the station and the temple and so on.
And,there are a lot of learning tool for studying many language including English in the internet.
You may find a tool with suitable.

8 :
I’m so addicted to bad guy from Billie Eilish.

9 :
What do you think?

10 :
I’m so hungry I can’t sleep.

11 :
diary guy again

12 :
Do you like salary man?

13 :
You mean chinese video site?

14 :
Il y a trop d'expressions intéressantes !

15 :

16 :
No.I guess that's french.

17 :
Bad day.

18 :
You could tempt tourists from English-speaking countries to join you by using a bunch of hentai things like manga, anime, and video games as bait in Akihabara or Comiket.

19 :
You really love hentai.hum?

20 :
Fuck off boomer salarymen.

21 :

22 :
cringe fickle fan

23 :
Piss off. I'm a false zoomer.

24 :
What whatever is that?

25 :
in the park~
i think it was the fourth of july~

26 :
false zoomer?

27 :
Are you trying to find out quite small false of other one?

28 :
Retard. Fuck up that shit in your fucking urban dic.

29 :
since i began to do squat exercise last year,
i feel my lower body has got more and more vigorous.

30 :
In what way? Like you can last longer during sex?

31 :
no i can stand straight longer time than before or i can walk longer way without getting tired.
both of my thighs are somewhat muscular.

32 :
Your beautiful, muscular thighs will solve all the problems around the world, including a new strain of coronavirus. Fuck us out of the epidemic.

33 :

34 :
Don't bring the political shit in here. You stink. Fuck off.

35 :
しかし 地獄行く!!
  /三ミミソノ)\What's up!
 (イ     ミ i
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||
 ||=・= ii=・=||
 |(  ノしヽ  )|

36 :
OK, go ahell*, if you insist.

37 :
byleth is cute

38 :
Where are you located?

39 :
How about fuck yourself off? Sucks.

40 :
What's laghing matter?

41 :
Are there any gender bender hentai of Byleth you recommend?

What a poor retard. You can't understand where you are located. There is no space for cucks on the internet. Get out of here.

Again, what a poor cuck. You can't even spell laugh.

42 :
I do not masturbate without Yuri.
I have strong will.

43 :
excuse me. i'm 37.
ID had changed during jerking off with Yuri.

44 :
You're sounds like very crooked.
Please get lost!

45 :
Ah, that's why you chose that game. Sorry for asking a dumb question. Enjoy fapping your heads out with them~

What the hell is this guy doing there? He has replied to his own post and then are babbling on about something.

46 :
oops, *is

47 :
You're insane.

48 :
Should we 英語で雑談 have a group in Facebook?

49 :
You're insane.

50 :
some of my favorite underwear have been stained yellow.
i have drunk too much lipovitan D like binge drinking.
it should be one of the causes of the yellow-stained underwear.

51 :
that's easy, first step is to learn english

The problem is you are going to get a bunch of undesireables
if you approach the wrong kind of perople

52 :
sleeping 6 hours a day on a regular basis wouldn't be enough for your healthy life, does it?
but it is hard for us to secure more than 6 hours every day in the current japanese society
if you are a normal, average businesss person......

53 :
You produced so much sperm in your balls that you were not able to bear the strain of the sperm and, in consequence,
you unloaded all of your shots into your pretty underwear without being aware of what you were doing. It was a waste of sperm. You should have had a fap to let your loads off.
And it's not good for your health to drink too much whatchamacallit like a drinking binge. Don't do that.
I'll put forward an effective solution. Quit a job.

54 :
Fuck gaijins

55 :
Actually, Billie Eilish is a gaijin.

56 :
What's up, my niggas?

57 :
Who is it?

58 :
Tell me your favorite idle or actress.

59 :
I like mirei kiritani

60 :
I quit my stupid teaching job today! i’m excited!

61 :
Someone call me "Of guy" .So, let's get it going.

If I studied french a lot I could live in France like Hiroyuki.

62 :
If I had lived in France I would have spoken french.

63 :
If I should be fine in my mind I would play tennis outside.

64 :
Sorry."If guy"

65 :
I wish I would be a so rich guy.

66 :
I wish I would have been a pro foolballer.

67 :

68 :
you had gooten stoned. Jumped out the window

69 :
what? why did you do that?

I dont know .yours was the first name that poped into my head.

70 :
You can live in everywhere if you can speak English.

71 :
except for japan......

72 :
thank you for the feedback.
i'm sorry to tell you that one of my new year's resolutions is
not talking about hentai things.
so, i have to drop the subject now.

73 :
You've got to know the fact that there is harsh racism in France. You would probably be treated badly at work, shops, and other public places for no reason.
I was given a swear word "jap" while just walking in the street when a fucking French passed by me.
May you rest in peace. If-guy.
Don't worry, bro. Keep away from a degenerate like me.

74 :
Are you the guy "Gaijin terminator" freaquently seen here?

75 :
How about 南極?

76 :
Go away wherever you want, faggot.

77 :
I have heard they treat you badly if you speak good American English in the UK.

78 :
Probaly yes.

79 :
There's many people using western slang here.
Is this board only westerner weeaboos?

80 :
What's that westerner weeaboos?

81 :
Use the fucking anchor properly. Who the hell has been running this useless internet bot? Could you please cut it out?
Are you kidding? This thread is full of the poorest and most weird English sentences in the world which are grammatically incorrect and written using unusual collocations.
There are no creepy weebs here. Only 100% full-blooded nips can speak that trashy language.

82 :
I eaten Soba and Tempura. That is very delicious. My stomach is full.

83 :
and took a ton of shit 12 hours after.

84 :
What is "ton of shit"? Japanese うんこ?

85 :
Fuck off.

86 :

87 :
If I should get over from 花粉症 I would intake the medicine tablets.

88 :
Anchor changes automatically by some circuit.

89 :
What's anchor?

90 :
Are you drunken?

91 :
I wish I could have a lot of medal of gold.

92 :
↑This is anchor. You have to not write
*>>* . Because the number changes automatically in your case.

93 :
I wish I could have been taught frence by
french person.

94 :
I don't think that automatically changes.

95 :
Are you talking to the future on purpose?

96 :
Who are you?
Wherever are you located?

97 :
An anchor is a fucking number following two consecutive symbols of 'greater than' that you fuck into your fucking textbox when you fuck your fucking shitposting, you a fucking bitch.
Btw English is easy. Everything you need to know about it is just to fuck. If you know how to fuck, you can say anything. Have sex.
I don't reckon >>90-96 are a human. It'll be just an annoying chat program written for the purpose of making fun of the posters. If not, the poster's intelligence will be no more than script kiddies.

98 :
due to the corona virus issue, white (or black?) protective mask is now a hot selling item
at drugstores or supermarkets.
some cunning people should have made a profit by buying masks in bulk
and reselling them at a higher price somewhere.

99 :
I went to my go-to drugstore a half hour ago. All masks were all gone!

100 :
workers at factories of mask manufacturers may be so busy now.

101 :
How about alchole gel?

102 :
Alcohol gel is kinda expensive.

103 :

What do you think?

104 :
What do you think? Part 2
I go for 4-3-D combo!

105 :
I am become to want to sleeping but I can not sleep now because I want to use PC for net surfing.

106 :
I love midium rare.

107 :

108 :
I love the one the table do not have which is Hash potato.

109 :
How about U.S
and Iran relationsip?

110 :

111 :

112 :
I wish I could have thrown in Kousien.

113 :
If lt should be rainy I wouldn't go out.

114 :
Hey! One more time I like to ask you about
If making a group like 英語で雑談 in facebook is fine or not.

115 :

116 :
You're real insane.

117 :
Why no?

118 :
TIL we have three ways to have sex. They are reproductive, digestive, and urinary ways.

119 :
Sorry TIL?

120 :
I wish I would be fine in health.

121 :
TIL = Today I Learned
Today I learned we have three ways to have sex. They are reproductive, digestive, and urinary ways.

122 :
Is there such a school?!

123 :
If he had been a doctor he would have been very rich.

124 :
Everybody use TIL?

125 :

126 :
If I were a redicuras I couldn't speak english.

127 :

128 :
Is there Yakuza here?

129 :
But, I have heard that the mask do not keep that away from you.

130 :
i know very little about economy,
so i am not sure how the chinese economy will influence the japanese economy in 2020.
isn't there any positive forecast?

131 :
I hope no Tokyo Olympics this year.

132 :
i was surprised at the news of toshimaen, a japanese famous theme park,
looking into a gradual close-down.
i have never been there but i watched tv commercials so many times when i was a kid.

133 :
That's sad. Haunted house had lots of poison mushrooms.That was fun.

But I expect Harry potter theme park is coming.

134 :
No posi info.
They are down and out.

135 :
How come think so?

136 :
Not true! They might tease you, and correct you if you use the American word like 'chips' instead of 'crisps',
but they would do the same to an actual American, it is not rude.
They'll be impressed that you speak English to begin with, and the British like Japanese people.
Some British people don't like Chinese though and might mistake you for one and be rude, the same can happen in America, but once they realise you are Japanese they will be embarassed.

137 :
Actually what ress are you responding?

138 :
I mean if you try to have British accent, they accept you. But basically japanese people don't have American accent.
They have japanese accent. So no problem. I'm talking about japanese who raised in the US.
It's same as people from Tokyo aren't accepted in Osaka.

139 :
British accent is easy for Japanese acually.

140 :
Japanese raised in the US will be accepted in the UK no problem.
Americans are more accepted in the UK than people from Tokyo in Osaka, even though the distance is large.
If you are mistreated, it will be because of racist attitudes towards Japanese, not because of your accent.

141 :
I perceived the fucking English arrogance over and over again. They don't use as much swear words as American pricks, but they put many ironic words in a way of mocking you.
Their attitude against chinks proves their maliciousness. Don't trust them. We should obliterate those cunts.

Fuck off dickhead.

You must be Spooky on that thread, right? Piss off.

A British accent sounds fucking posh. I hate it.

Yes. Japs, chinks, and gooks are the same as nigger to them.

142 :
Fuck off junk.

143 :
I did not have any bad experiences from British people in one year, but maybe I was naive or only with good quality people.
I saw that England has a big divide not just between rich and poor but between high quality and low quality people.
I thought posh was a good thing?

144 :
I have visited this thread for long. I've never seen a crude people like you in this thread. Fuck off you moron.

145 :
It's not my experience. I'm interested in British accent.

146 :
My eyes fall down to sleeping world slowly...

147 :
And then you’ll sleep forever.

148 :
I am dead man. I'll pull your legs to sleeping world :)

149 :
Maybe we should cross the 三途の川 together.

150 :
We will swim 三途の川

151 :
I can’t swim. I need to use ビート板. Is it ok?

152 :
OK. Let's go to heaven together bro.

153 :
You two has gone?

154 :
Use the QR code.

155 :

156 :

157 :
Stop to suicide.

158 :
I love british accent too like BBC.
That's easy to see.

159 :
there happened several train accidents this week.
i am willing to offer my condolences to the family of the people injured or killed,
but at the same time i feel sick of so crowded stations.

160 :
wow, there is a haunted house at the toshimaen.
if i had had a girlfriend when i was young, i would have gone to a haunted house with her.

161 :
Hellicopter usually do not get down if the engine stops.

162 :
There is very good place for killing time.
What's the reason of selling?

163 :
We don't want that guy.

164 :
Christian in Japan raise your hand.

165 :
No, that isn't a good thing to me. Brits with posh and smug accents really piss me off, as well as those English learners who mimic the trashy British accents.
An American pronunciation is a very good thing. You guys should learn American English because you stand on a US aircraft carrier.
Wtf, it's like your eyeballs rolled out of your fucking eye sockets, go ask the doctor.
>if i had had a girlfriend when i was young
My condolences

166 :
My eyes running to out of home so fast.
The big fat cat eaten it and sleep on my home ground.
I say "Here is where?"

167 :
Because it's too old.

168 :
I’m obsessed with decluttering my room. My room is getting empty. I love it.

169 :
>ワッチョイW d79d-QEaq
He is racist.

170 :
you are minimalist, it makes your life to be simple, efficient and economical.
i like it.

171 :
Are you a U.S guy?

172 :
Where will be the 聖地 place for Japanese english speakers?

173 :
Which one?
Give me his anchor.

174 :
Baseless accusation.

175 :
I have heard that minimalist has got attension recently in fasion region.

176 :
Whaever are you talking about?

177 :
My big son with cute grin is walking at a hub of porn for the tonight work for me.
My son is hitting to beautiful women so he is greeting gently.
She say "Why which is big?" He say "This is my right leg. I press you by my leg again and again"
She is knock down on the ground of my home. I pulling up she and throw at dust box.
My big son advance in the hub of porn.

178 :

179 :
I like veloce.

180 :
I know you like the waiter girl.

181 :

182 :
That's only you.

183 :
Cheap and coffee is sour decent.

184 :
i accidentally knew a concept of "sleep debt(睡眠負債)" a few days ago.
i was impressed with it and i am now deeply worried about my past lifestyle, an accumulated debt.
i've got to change my everyday timetable.

185 :
Same old situation.

186 :
st. valentine's day is coming next week.
i have to attend a seminar all day long that day,
so i don't think i have a chance to be given some tasty chocolate from women.

187 :
don't mind, it's not the day for you.

188 :
Don't worry.
That's marchant's trap.

189 :
Never heard about that.

190 :
I already packed 2 garbage plastic bags full of clothes for 断捨離.
I can’t believe I had tons of out-of-fashion clothes in my closet.

191 :
Sell that don't put away.

192 :
it's not throwing away that staffs, but their obsession, so doing it is not bad.

193 :
Do we have any priviledge of speaking english like being able to earn much,buy things at very cheap price etc as a Japanese resident?

194 :
i have no idea, do you?

195 :
Exactly. I want to dispose of stuff, but also I want to dispose of obsession.
I want to be free from everything.

196 :
You can watch foreign news outlets.
This means you are free from Japanese biased media. This is the hugest advantage.

197 :
nothing is perfect.
everything must have its own pros and cons.
those who can speak only japanese, should be able to lead happy lives...

198 :
So, all you can do is killing yourself.
Stop it.

199 :
I was always on the きのこの山 side, but I’m gradually liking たけのこの里. It’s so crispy...!

200 :
I like コアラのマーチ!

201 :
The volume of コアラのマーチ is getting smaller. It’s so sad ...
I used to look for コアラ with eyebrow. It’s rare.

202 :
Yes Yes Yes
Rare one!

203 :

204 :

205 :
Ever changeing 天気.

206 :
Sorry, I made a mistake. He isn't.

207 :
which do you prefer to be inserted to your anus?

208 :
Fuck you insane.

209 :
Which media is your recommendation?

210 :
Commys raise your hands!

211 :
Netouyo! Raise your hands!

212 :
be careful, it's bomb.

213 :
You shit!
How about drinking the milk from your mom's breast?

214 :
I should have bought tons of surgical masks so that I could have made tons of money on メルカリ.

215 :
Suck it freak.

216 :
Not china?

217 :
If I had a lot of money i would sell mask to china buying in Japan.

218 :
If I had been in Bukan as of wils in chi
I would have had colona wils.

219 :
Mask is no good for the wils.

220 :
I think the cruise ship off the cost of Japan should be nuked.

221 :

222 :
Yas. Dropping a nuclear weapon on the ship.

223 :
Water will be dirty. I don't want to eat poison sashimi.

224 :
i orderd electronic enemagra at ali expresss.

225 :
What’s that? It sounds so sexy...

226 :
Omg. I just googled it and I was right about it!

It is an adlut toy!

227 :
i heard it may disrupt human life.

228 :
You're extreamly beasty.
You hate them?

229 :
Prevention is better than cure, people often say.

230 :
Coz they are rich?

231 :
They are rich because they make money by exploitting people.

232 :
I read a news of coronavirus on BBC news site.
But word is difficult for me so I can't understood that article.
I'm sad and need more English power.

233 :
If I had colona virus I would kill a policeman and run away.

234 :
He said "I wish I wouldn't be the virus haver".

235 :
Howdy Y'all, my name is Kenichi Smith!
I'm a 27 year old Japanese Toonaholic (Cartoon fan for you foreigners). I draw cartoons and comics on my tablet, and spend my days perfecting my art and playing superior American games. (Halo, Gears of War, Call of Duty)
I train with my 1911 every day, this superior weapon can shoot straight through steel because it kicks ass, and is vastly superior to any other weapon on earth. I earned my gun license two years ago, and I have been getting better every day.
I speak English fluently, both the Midwestern and the East Coast accents, and I write fluently as well. I know everything about American history and their Constitution, which I follow 100%
Wish me luck in America!

236 :
Are you a half Japanese?
Someone's Pulling sentenses from Twitter or somewhere like there?

237 :
What are pros and cons of living in Japan?

238 :
Petrol and housing is so expensive .
Foods are rather cheap.
Different type of customs to western world.

239 :
what is it you do for a living?

240 :
I think so too.

Housing is expensive.
Salary is low.

Foods are rather cheap, but beef are expensive.

241 :
Food means eating out right?

242 :
Probably right.

243 :
If I should go out tomorrom I would drink in hundred bars!

244 :
If I were to get rich tomorrow I would buy Merced ez.

245 :
Everything is getting expensive. But salary is getting lower.

I blame Abe and LDP and its followers.

246 :
I wish I would have lived in U.S.

247 :
If I had been in 陸軍中野学校 I could have been a good spy.

248 :
If you had been a student of that training school, you would have been servicing your senior students sexually.

249 :

250 :
Yes. I know you actually want to be gangbanged by fellow men.

251 :
the more you get used to useful and convenient things, the more often you get irritated in your daily life.
one reason for us seeing others irritated is that we have already created and surrounded
by so many convenient goods or services and they have relied on them too much.
maybe there is few people who can understand what i am talking about.

252 :
as i continued to work out i could lose weight but i think that i've lost a little too much fat.
the ribs i can see around my waist give an impression that i am weak.

253 :
Virus get big deal.

254 :
I eat American beef. It's inexpensive.

255 :
I want to say this to American tourists in Japan.
“Go back to Trump Merica!”

256 :
That is delicious?
A american beaf price have been lower by TTP.
So, Japanese farmer has sad.

257 :
i feel that everybody has something he/she knows they will never use again that they can't throw away somehow.

258 :
what makes them finally decide to throw away such things?

259 :

260 :
If I were a people from U.S. in Japan I would go back to there.

261 :
I wounder what rep you're replying.

262 :
I wish I could be the king.

263 :
If it should be tayphoon tomorrow I couldn't go out.

264 :

But, maybe that's hard to bite.

265 :
Sunday has fewer user here always.
Don't worry be happy.

266 :
I wonder what you all are thinking about.

267 :
One more time I would ask you about
making new group in Facebook which is of 英語で雑談 is good idea or not.
What do you think?

268 :
I just went shopping and I was so surprised that there are bunch of people who were not wearing masks at this virus crisis!
What are they thinking? Are they even Japanese?

269 :
I got many masks at my local drug store. I’m happy.

270 :
i have about 100 pieces of white masks now.
this stock may be enough for me to survive until the end of april (when the 杉 pollen season is over).
but i have no idea when the coronavirus issue is solved.

271 :
It's super delicious. I mean I couldn't work for two month because of having a cold. I was totally broke.

Everything is good for me except something not eatable.

272 :
It’s scary to think about the virus thing, but a part of me feels excited to see so many people are suffering.
I want to see the end of the world. I’m kinda confident that I can survive this crisis.

273 :
Because you wake up every night until dawn playing 2chan Sopooky

staying up late are bad for your health

274 :
I don't understand your Jinglish. I'm not use to read Jinglish even though my English is bad.

275 :
The same words again.
Mask is almost no good.

276 :
Virus can through the mask.

277 :
I will manage to survive this crisis even if everyone else dies.

278 :
It is easy to make a mask. My girlfriend gave me some masks made from her old clothes.
It is pretty but I wonder if what kind of cloth they are made. Just striking my mind it seems like panty.

279 :
This pandemic will at least continue 3 years or more because Vuils has 4 glycoproteins from HIV.
to create HIV Vaccine is impossible and if you infected and cured, your body can not create natural immunity.
The probability for you to survive is very low.

280 :
You will be infected and cured. but next time, as you lose your immunity, you will become very bad even if any type of virus.

281 :
I want to pray this is DEMA.

282 :
Corona virus is not a risk.
If you have friends or family in Wuhan, there is a risk.

283 :

284 :
why? 22 or more city was blocked transportation in China.
BEIJING—Two more Chinese cities were put on lockdown by the government on Thursday.
The situation getting more worse.
this is going to occur in japan at this end of the month.

285 :
The more stubborn you are, the more isolated you become.

286 :
Jinglish is nice word.
Let's call it Jinglish making that officiall.

287 :
more more pattern.

So difficult!

288 :
what pattern?

289 :
I don't know what you mean. You keep saying my English is correct.
Here is the sentence.
*How stupid you are to suspect cheating on such a low level question
that even a middle student can easily answer!*
There are two person in this sentence. I said you need to write *he* cheated on in that sentence.
But you said it's common to omit some words in a sentence.
But you kept saying to me you don't have any English skills.
I stayed up for a few days for the argument lol
YOU are stubborn.

290 :
And you kept saying to me

291 :
No been isolated.
Only two person are pretending to be many people.

292 :
The more arguments you win, the less friends you will have.

293 :
Poor english is ok here.
Don't make a quarrel.

294 :
I am the one who was said *you don't have any English skills* in another thread.

295 :
What do you think about such 全面禁煙?

296 :
Correct anchor.

297 :
Did you actually take this picture?
I can see you in the refrection of the glass ;)

298 :
No, you can't see it.

299 :
You have long hair?

300 :
But, not very short at the same time.

301 :
I'll never read their comments.
Don't talk to me.

ワッチョイWW 9fbc-yYNM
ワッチョイ 1766-ymXw
ワッチョイ d75a-hxdt

302 :
I think smokers are not allowed to smoke outside.

303 :
Now how should I put it
Your idea like that are surprisingly similar to the stuff that comes out of your ass

304 :
Why don't you quit coming here?

305 :
I want to be surronded by hot men!

306 :
Do you like fat man?

307 :
I like muscular men.

308 :
Yeah, It's good, and additionally wet. hot and wet is best for protecting the coronavirus.
30-degree centigrade and 50% humidity, the virus will die in 6 hours.

309 :
i tried tamori's bathing method, that is, just bathing yourself in a bathtub.
no washing and no soap during all the time.
masaharu fukuyama, an actor and singer, recommends this too.
it was better than i expected.

310 :
Rep to what?

311 :
What about your hair?

312 :
If we make a city of japanese english speaker what plase would be good
in Japan.
I mean place as of a lot of Japanese english speaker live.

313 :
The both are 九州人.
And you?

314 :
Hot man.What do you mean?

315 :
If we make a city of Japanese English speakers what place would be good in Japan.
I mean place as a lot of Japanese English speakers live.

If grammatical mistakes corrected and answer your question, oh what a place!

316 :
It means hot-tempered man or a man of hot blood.

317 :
yeah, it is etiquette to bath at the public spa. you can't use soap and don't wash your body in the tab.

318 :
In my view, more than better if additionally wet(humidity degree is higher 40% recommended),
if he is hot and wet in body, he would not take into coronavirus.

319 :
I meant sexy men.

320 :

Only in China LOL

321 :
I heard once that Hiroyuki Itsuki, who had lots of hair,
 hadn't washed his hair for five years.
The head was itching until its sebum has coverd completely.
However, it has completed, he became pleasant without washing.
Those who don't wash own hair tend to lose his hair by excessive sebum,
but he maintain. I wonder if he is exception.

322 :
Bald patches are one of the symptoms that can accompany scalp itching.
so you had better clean your scalp every day.

323 :
Men with anger.

324 :
Another 65 people on a cruise ship quarantined in Yokohama have tested positive
for a new coronavirus originating China bioweapon suspected to leak from a military lab in Wuhan.

325 :
You must be hot and explode anger against barbarism in the Chinese communist party.

326 :
i washed my hair after i bathed myself in hot water in bathtub and stepped out of it.
this shouldn't be against the tamori's method.

327 :
no i'm not a 九州人.
i've been there only once and it's enjoyable.

328 :
Hair washing with no soap is good for your scalp.
But your hair's smell becomes bad.
Japanese are sensitive to body smell.

329 :
Correct please.

330 :
It's because of your food.
if you would be vegetarian, even your bullshit smells good fragrant.

331 :
I heard that 九州 people are the most unfirendly people in Japan.

332 :
Omg. I’m going to get a hair cut today. I’ll be super hot <3

333 :
They are drunken guys anyway.

334 :
Haircut and hot…

335 :
Japan has been like "third world" for this thirty years.
What do you think?

336 :
I blame Abe.

337 :
Then, are you an ordinary fuketsu guy?

338 :
For what?

339 :
Such smell isn't big deal.

340 :
Actually Abe isn't not so bad beside other PMs.
What do you think that?

341 :
It is not a problem for you, but for others, it is nasty though.
let me share 4 correct ways to improve your smell.
1. eat much vegetable meal
2. daily exercise, ie. run 10km slow pace or physical training at the gym.
3. sleep enough, 8 hour or more
4. stop smoking, stop alcoholic drink

342 :
You're some kind of gheek .
So, fuck off.

343 :
Yes, you are right.
from my point of view, he obviously is the best prime minister in recent politicians.

344 :
I recommend an additional one.
5. read books to improve your brain.

345 :
But, he's not cutting edge at the same time.

346 :
Shut up gheek.

347 :
I wish you might be a doctor.

348 :
If it should be fine the day after tomorrow
I would play tennis outside.

349 :
if so, you must tell me an alternative candidate. who?
I cannot find the best person among post-Abe in LDP.
we must choose Abe's successor as his term of party leader
will expire in two years, in September 2021.

350 :
If I had a master's degree I would be a hentai.

351 :

352 :
I should have majored in pharmacy or something because you can get a license.

353 :
I heard that netouyo people jerk off by watching Abe speeches. It’s called 愛国オナニー. Is it ture?

354 :
Are you a left wing guy?

355 :
I’m not interested in politics.

356 :
If the petrol were at low in the next year
I would go long trip on my pool vechle

357 :
i don't think so.
i usually care for cleanliness or sanitary issue to keep my body clean.

358 :
Do you earn on FX?

359 :
Have you ever used this kind of stuff?
Full automatic one.

360 :
Among the three of them, I have a favorable impression of Kishida.
but I know little about his political ability.

361 :

But your pics are always so blurry....

362 :
you had better pay attention about cleaning your body too much.
many years ago when our family participates in a festival that had gathered many people,
and stay several nights, unfortunately, many people and also my family were infested with lice,
but I was an exception. My way of bathing is similar to Tamori's.
As I don't clean my body too much, my skin has a resisting power against lice.
this is one of my experiences.

363 :
How about Discord chat?

364 :
For what?

365 :
Have you ever seen this lump?

366 :
You 英語で雑談 in Discard chat?

367 :
Thanks, I didn't know Discord, but I feel Discord is a great service for communication. I consider trying to use it.

368 :
If so, homeless people would not be infested with lice. I think infection have nothing to do with bathing style.

369 :
you are inside the machine?

370 :
Yes, I am.

371 :
Means i am the key of the new tech.

372 :
I think 九州人 has strange habit.
Why? and how can you beat it?

373 :
九州 people are the most bigoted people in Japan.

374 :

Widespread use of antimicrobial products has prompted concern about
the emergence of resistance to antiseptics and damage to the skin barrier
associated with frequent washing.

you will, by frequent washing(because of skin damage), easily get contagious
coronavirus spreading now.

375 :
You tend to write in difficult word.

376 :
I don’t think so.

377 :
I’m gonna read the paper when I get home! Thanks

378 :
App名: Discord、デベロッパ: Discord, Inc.

379 :
I want to play VR chat. It looks fun!

380 :
no i haven't.
by the way, did you correct the position of the checked mat (or rag?) after having taken the photo?
somebody moved it from where it should be.

381 :
oh gross......

382 :
I want to eat ramen. Someone please fix it for me?

I’m sick and I’m lying on my bed.

383 :
I made the group for test.
Everybody come for test.

384 :
Are you having virus?

385 :
of course

386 :
why write? writing is important because it helps you make meaning out of your experiences, because it helps you think more clearly, which in turn helps you learn more effectively, and because it helps you from new understandings or makes new connections.

this is from the book "Writing for College".

387 :
Off course what?

388 :
If I worked very much I could live more decent house.

389 :
If I had tripped more I could write the more exelent article.

390 :
If I had tripped more I could have written the more exelent article.

391 :
My English is better than it was last year.

392 :
If I should get over from the virus I would go out and walk around.

393 :
Today's posts on this board are less than usual.

394 :
Don't know why!

Usually here has fewer user in Sunday and Satuaday.
That is every week.

395 :
Can you read?

396 :
Makihara apprehended!

397 :
Today is Thursday, you know.
In my opinion, the EIKEN result comes out yesterday, so EIKEN kids disappeared.

398 :
"Don't open it"

399 :
Eiken is so lame. Even baka people like me can pass it easily...

400 :
I don't like GAY.

401 :
i remember me holding back tears while traveling in a train
after i screwed up an interview test of eiken pre-1st grade.

402 :
You already got highest grade? You genius for me!

403 :
Yas. I passed 国連英検特A級 as well.

Thank you so much in advance.

404 :
Me, neither.
Recently I learned that gay's rectum pops up like sweet potato.
That's called an anal rose.

405 :
I want to smell the rose of the anus
Thai young girls are the best

406 :
Fuck off.

407 :

408 :
What's the merit of 国連英検?

409 :
Is that so difficult as you shed tears.

410 :
おはよう. わたしは メロディー です
Thank you for having me on your show Coco.
I’m so happy to be here.
Hi, everybody. You don’t know me.
I’m Melody, the world’s only English speaking HENTAI CAM GIRL.
If you wanna learn more about me, you should follow me on my twitter,
@ProjectMelody, and if you are eighteen…over, you should check me out on
We could have a really good time there I can’t wait to be friends.

411 :
Have you seen ketsumaimo vid?

412 :
Whoever are you?

413 :
What ever is it?

414 :
Norhing. I got it for self-serving purposes.

It didn’t do me any good because no one knows 国連英検 in the first place.

415 :
i want to use RUSH !
so skeptical why the drug should be prohibited ??

416 :
I like RUSH. They sell very nice items.

417 :

You two like soup...

418 :
soap I meant.

419 :
Everybody hates small faults zoomer.

420 :
Everybody hates small fault zoomer.

421 :
One thing I don’t like about RUSH is that they’re so expensive in Japan!

422 :
so expensive? when i used it around 15years ago, it was affordable.

423 :
What are you talking about?

I’m talking about this one.

424 :
I prefer soaps of American pharmacy.Costco is OK as well.

425 :
Gaijin reporting in
Am I supposed to thank convenience store staff or not?
Also, get the beggars in Ueno Park to leave this poor foreigner alone!
No, you can't have 500 yen for 'food'! No, you can't grab my change out of the vending machine!

426 :
You can say “Thanks” if you want to. I sometimes say it because I used to work at a cashier when I was a student. I felt appreciated.

427 :
I can't post here without a vpn you japs

428 :
So, what?

429 :
You're Gonna be arrested now.

430 :
Nevermind, found a way to post. ネット鎖国 btfo

431 :
By the way, I have a jlpt(日本語能力試験) N1 certificate, do you guys think I can get anything in japan with just this? I'm still in uni so I don't hace a degree yet.

432 :
lol, have*

433 :
This site might be helpful to you.

434 :
>But an undergraduate bachelor’s degree in any field is still a hard requirement for English teaching jobs in Japan..
Fuck, It'll take me at least three years to graduate, probably more because I'm dumb, .

435 :
Also, I'm an ESL, so I don't think I can get any english teaching jobs really

436 :
I wish Japan wasn't so popular and flooded with English teachers
Teaching English in China: \3,600,000~ after tax
Teaching English in Japan: \1,750,000~ after tax
Oh cruel fate, why do I have to choose between living in a shithole or being poor somewhere nice!
Maybe I'll just work in China and spend all my holidays in Japan.
Anything is better than having to spend \900,000 just to commute on the train in my own country!

437 :
Enjoy bat soup and shit oil

438 :
uma delicia

439 :
Based and sopapilled

440 :
You don't have a degree?
So, maybe you can't stay here above six months.
living Japan needs decent income coz things are expensive.

441 :
Yeah, I'm just a poor uni student.

442 :
Uni? Are you Austkorean?

443 :
No, have no idea who that is.

444 :
what is it ?

445 :
What do you guys do for a living?
I'm still a student.

446 :
Professional sugar baby

447 :
Anyway you need a high income job.

448 :
What is actually expensive in Japan?
Rent in the big cities is cheaper than any other major cities in developed countries.
Food seems as or only slightly more expensive depending on what you buy.
Public transport is cheaper than in my country, at least.
I feel like I could live here pretty comfortably on a low income unless I was raising a family.

449 :
What is it?

450 :
Beijing has told everyone returning to the city to isolate themselves for 14 days.
Now is the time for the Japanese government to suspended the entry into Japan of those who have visited China within 14 days.
The US and other countries have imposed same restrictions thus far,
I cannot understand why Japanese government does not follow suit.
Do it now!

451 :
i am sooo longing a electronic enemagra be delivered!! it taks too long!!!

452 :
Gives new meaning to the English expression, "waiting around with your thumb up your ass"!

453 :
Nearly one third of the population are living in Tokyo metropolitan area.
Those ordinary people can make ends meet.

454 :
Where did you buy? Amazon? Ebay?

455 :
I thought stuffed corn pizza come from US. But it seems not.

456 :
Yeah, I think they're overplaying it, I know a guy whos working as an ALT (white monkey) and he's doing pretty well. I guess if you're not a normie that wastes money on dumb shit you won't have any trouble with money.

457 :
ali express

458 :
The U.S. now repatriate their citizens aboard the cruise ship.
This is a good decision for Japan too considering the excessive burden of testing and treatment.
Every government whose citizens on board should take the same step.

459 :
Rent is high coz the rooms are very small and need deposit
which is three by the rent.

460 :
Fuck off forever.

461 :
What's that?

462 :
Whatever stuff is that?
Show us the picture.

463 :
english board not require Japanese IP address.

464 :
Rep to what rep?

465 :
I am going to close the Discord site if that will has not a several user today.

466 :
Post invite, I'll join.

467 :
Here it is!

468 :
You use too many difficult words
But you can only read and write

469 :
It's cold outside.

470 :
spend some time thinking about what you want to say.
Do you want to just get in better overall English?
Are you saying for getting your presence?

471 :
I can't understand what you're talking about.

472 :
At サンマルク I ate this one and so delicious.

473 :
it is imitation of shironowa-ru?

474 :

475 :
Very cheap pricing at 390.

476 :
Are you using the north face backpack?

477 :
I wish i could ride roller skate.

478 :
If the empelor should be dead I would get very sad.

479 :

That's not mine.

480 :
That backpack is your BF’s?

481 :
Other one's.

482 :
I want to say something in English

483 :
It's not good for sharing here.
A overseas man is watching.

484 :
Get away Burnmydread#7349

485 :
Hey, I'm an overseas man too
Let me in to your secret club

486 :
Don't hold back.

487 :
Let's try to understand. How do you feel?

488 :
Here it is!

489 :
this is it.

490 :
Go to your own site.

491 :
I wanna Live soy cowboy

492 :
soi cowboy

493 :
but I'm on vacation in Japan, surely my tourist visa includes your secret club

494 :
What's secret club?

495 :
I just went to ドンキホーテ and got so many daily items.
Happy. I got my favourite chocolate called ラミー. It’s only 50 yen!

496 :
could you get mask?

497 :
No because I have so many masks at home.
They sell masks at 990 yen / 10 masks.

498 :
So did you get Tenga?
A lot's of adult toys are on sold and it's so fun

499 :

But Maybe I should have bought a lotion for my Tenga-chan.

500 :
i felt really embarrassed when i found several kinds of tenga goods were sold
at general "healthcare" corner at a local supermarket.
i also remembered that you can get tenga at vending machines somewhere.

501 :
Why were you embarassed? Everyone has sexsual desire.

502 :
i drew a lot at familymart the other day and i got a ticket to get a free ガルボブラック パウチ from meiji.
i don't know if this ガルボ sweet is tasty, but anyway i will try it later on.

503 :
i know it but i think tenga goods should be displayed and sold at a separate corner
where children can't enter and walk around.

504 :
You spent a lot of money at コンビニ! You should go to supermarkets, drugstores or discount stores to save money!

505 :
My local drugstore called “ウエルシア” sells Tenga items and some sexy toys.
A few weeks ago, when I was waiting in line at a casher, this high school boy bought the red Tenga(regular one?) in front of me.
That made my day.

506 :
Don't save money. 3 out of 4 malls nearby shut down.

507 :
That kind of thing must be made by yourself originally.
we used to make fabulous original lotion from various materials.

508 :
I cannot believe that the young cannot make even such a suitable hole and lotion.

509 :

510 :

511 :

512 :
Are you in Japan?

513 :
How did you do that? You used devil’s toungue aka こんにゃく or something?

514 :

515 :
I wish I could be the president.

516 :
Olympic's coming soon.

517 :
Are you sure?
Can the Japanese Government contain the coronavirus outbreak?

518 :
If I should be the PM I would introduce an english education for very little kids.

519 :
to my consideration, the Olympic game in Tokyo cannot be held this year.
Now we are a very difficult situation by the Colona virus.

520 :
in my youse, I was helped by many beautiful girls because a lot of hair existed on my head.

521 :
how do you do

522 :
IOC has already sold broadcasting rights to media all over the world.
So, they must need to hold the Olympic games at any cost.

523 :
no problem, prolong by next summer.

524 :
the pandemic will stop by coming summer but spread again in autumn because of too many virus outbreaks.
so it maybe continues 3 or more years as when Spain flu outbreak.
nobody knows to be able to hold in the next summer.

525 :
I have no life. I am a 非リア. So I’m hoping everyone will get the virus and die and I’ll manage to live.

526 :
do you really want to live in the world where there is nobody you can share リア充 experiences with??

527 :
Yas. I love the world views of Biohazard and the movie “I AM LEGEND”. I hope that will happen.
I will survive no matter what.

528 :
when i use my portable device to enjoy 2ch,
a number of online advertisements continue to pop up and
it prevents me from reading the posts/comments smoothly.
i start to feel sick of it.

529 :
There is no relationship between Covid-19 and the Olympic games.
Every athlete will go to the athlete villages, thus they are effectively in quarantine.
As long as they are there we can hold the games without spectators at the venues.
The Olympic games are all about broadcasting.
That's why we could not have scheduled the most exciting event, finals of swimming races, at the prime time in Japan because the US broadcasters paid a huge amount of money.

530 :
there'll be vaccine at the time

531 :
I hope so, but the vaccine is difficult because any institute have not succeeded even SARS.

532 :
the pandemic is the problem whether our human being will succeed to live or not.
The Olympic game is a little thing.

533 :
this virus is developed more powerfull in the point of secretly killing ability than SERS.
This virus is spiked 4 types of HIV glycoprotein.
when SARS had leaked from bio institute in Beijing, medical staff didn't infect.
but this time some medical staff have infected.
this is very serious.

534 :
i hit my left leg hard against a iron bar of a shelf.
the lower part of the leg (すね) bled a little and it still hurts.
i want some pieces of adhesive bandages.

535 :
The Spain Influenza pandemic of 1918 was serious.
It lasted for three years, About 500 million people were infected and 50 million to 100 million people dead.
this time the virus is more powerful, more people will die.

536 :
Come on!
Already a few people come.

537 :
I don't think so the vactine will available soon!

538 :
Get the part cool down.

539 :
If coronavirus kills everyone over 60 then the population decline will be solved for another 50 years, and incomes will rise
Europe became the richest continent after the plague

540 :
advertisement blocker tool
adblock plus

541 :

542 :
Only God knows the truth, but Scientist tells pessimistic.
I wish God would help us. I'm sad I have not believed god.

543 :
You just called me?

544 :
Almost all person of helping Olympic game is amateur volunteer, so
even if it is a usual state, going well is very difficult, and more hard situation like this time,
I can't believe they do well. It will mess up.

545 :
Not to mention I embarrassed for God seeing my living all the time
especially in bed with my girlfriends.

546 :
Oh my God. I am so embarrassed. I wish I could disappear. You will never believe what just happen. I walked to drink water out of my room after my bed action,
and there was God smiling at me. Is it an illusion? are you God?

547 :
The most important problem is the lack of medical material. especially in generic
Antibiotics which depend on China mostly.
if the pandemic occurs, we japan become the same as Wuhan at the rate of 99%.
though we have a sophisticated medical circumstance and medical staff,
the most of us cannot receive treatment at hospital.

548 :
Dead people isn't their concern.
Bussiness first.

549 :
You mean it?

550 :
London Olympics was 99% amateur volunteers too and there weren't any problems
Antibiotics have absolutely no effect on coronavirus, they only work on bacterial infections, not viruses!

551 :
I miss you.
Come here.

552 :
I wish I could have living in abroad in my childhood.

553 :
If the yen rate should rise agressively I would buy doller a lot.

554 :

555 :
If I had a more easy way of living life I would do that soon.

556 :
If it were to be rain tomorrow I could take a rest.

557 :
I want to data with a very sexy guy and have a wonderful time.

558 :
it seems that a mask called "n95" is somewhat effective to protect yourself from coronavirus.
i am not sure if this item is truely trustworthy.

559 :
Gaijin visiting Japan here.
Its so nice being in a country where all the girls are cute and skinny, even Japanese guys are cute.
Consider yourself lucky you're not constantly surrounded by fatasses like where I'm from lol

N95 masks are better than surgical masks but really, masks aren't that effective. Viruses can pass through ceramic.

560 :
i've been thinking about buying some on internet website,
but i've just given it a second thought.
thank you for the information.

561 :
i am not into microsoft's business software like excel, word or powerpoint.
but i need to learn how to use "excel" to do my job...prepare monthly report or distribute document at meetings.
i am very reluctant to do it now.

562 :
Masks're no good for the virus.

563 :
Would you like to sing the song?

564 :
Wash your hands rather than wearing the mask.

565 :
I’d rather have sex.

566 :
Go to hospital and fix your sex addiction.

567 :
That’s rude.

568 :
To wear a facemask is most important etiquette, you should wear a facemask
to help prevent the spread of the disease to others.

569 :
Baka gaijins especially white ones don’t wear masks in Japan. They are all baka.

570 :
Oh, no.
(deleted an unsolicited ad)

571 :
He had the boarding permission from the captain?

572 :
That's because we know that they're not effective and not medically recommended for use by the general public.
They are promoted to control the level of panic, a placebo.

You would be right, except the more important etiquette is to make sure there is no shortage of masks available for medical staff and patients.
One nurse needs 20 masks a day.

573 :
I'm not surprised if he was without authorization.

574 :
Everybody what do you think about
small fault zoomer?

575 :
Small dick? No way!

576 :
[諜報・防諜] インテリジェンス総合46

577 :

578 :
february 23rd is our emperor's the 58th birthday.
how is his birthday party going?
will all the 3 members of his family eat 1 huge white strawberry cake like japanese ordinary families?

579 :
I’m at 吉野家 because I can get 50% points back by using paypay.

580 :
i should have learned a lot of things at schools by reading textbooks one after another
but all i can easily remember is teachers' simple tweets or funny jokes, based on their experiences.

581 :
i forgot it! thanks remind me.

582 :
But, that is good only until 1500yen.

583 :

584 :

585 :
I know. I got ice creams at Baskin Robin’s and got some dinner at 吉野家 today.

This dish only cost me 実質\383. I’m happy.

586 :
Is it just me or I can eat 紅生姜 forever?

587 :
Don't run a marathon because your immunity drops.
marathon runner becomes super spreader, they are very dangerous.

588 :
More bargain info welcome.

589 :
I lile Metallica don't you?

590 :
I feel like this treatment of marathon runners is unfair.
To begin with, they are fit, even with a weakened immune system they are much much healthier than the average guy.
Being in an office, or using a bus or train are way more dangerous.

591 :
In that case, I recommend auPAY.
You can get 20% points back. The next campaign starts on next Sunday.

I should have waited this because I bought the new iPhone last month. If I did, I would have gotten around 30,000 points. Wtf

592 :
you are wrong, marathon runner is not healthy, because they are usually to do overtraining.
so they have been damaged constantly in the point of immunity.
scientists reports runner who runs 5-minute /1km or more speed is injurious to health.
especially just after the run marathon, even elite runners become getting weaken immunity tremendously.

593 :
They,the holder,says almost all the money
was spent before the race starts.
But, that's an excuse.

594 :
Do you love Iceland?

595 :
it is common sense that the organizer don't pay back when marathon could not held.
now it is very serious as coronavirus is widespread.
in this time to hold a marathon is insanity.

596 :
Where the place people get together
becomes ground zero of infection.

Probably marathon gets on such idea.

597 :
I thought so.
He was NOT official.

598 :
Fire festival is a good story

599 :

600 :

601 :
I hate small fault zoomer.

602 :
What does zoomer mean?

603 :
I’m angry because no one responds to my 吉野家 pic \\\٩(๑`^´๑)۶////

604 :
It looks good!
But you should eat more vegetables.

605 :
Thank you. Yes. I’m going to a supermarket later and buy some veggies (*゚▽゚*)

606 :
吉野家 is refill free.

607 :
How can I make a girlfriend
How can I make girlfriends

608 :
Get some girl hypnotized.

609 :
Today's pic.

610 :
What rip are you reping to?

611 :
I wish I could be a rich.

612 :
If I should speak french I would go paris tomorrow.

613 :
If i were to be able to speak french I would go france soon.

614 :

615 :
Si je pouvais parler français, j'irais bientôt en France.

616 :
Paris was a huge disappointment to me, filthy and almost everyone was African.
It used to be nice but I think its reputation is no longer deserved.
Rome is better for art, food and culture.
London is better for modernity, progress and a 'world city'.
Paris is a city which has lost its identity and is in a fast decline.

617 :
Bangkok is much better than those place
Have you ever been Soi cowboy?

618 :
I don't like alcohol, drugs or HIV/aids

619 :
When I visited France, I couldn't speak French nor English.
When I visited US. The waitress couldn't speak English at a restaurant. I assume she will learn English while she's working.

620 :
Millions of people move to the US every year, so about 10% of the population don't speak English at the moment.
Some people never learn it, and rely on their children to translate for them later.

621 :
Is that africans muslim?

622 :
No regretfully.

623 :
Maybe they can learn english coz can't read and write in own language.

624 :
Chat in english in Discord.
Maybe I don't invite you any more.

625 :
It's Okay if you bring a thin one made in Japan

626 :
What a mess.

627 :
i visited a large public bath in 2016.
when i took off my clothes before entering into the bathroom
a notice, put up on a wall, caught my eyes.
it said "please don't use an electric hair dryer to dry your pubic hair.
it bothers other users."

628 :
Public hair...

629 :
I even saw an old guy dyeing his hair in the public bath

630 :
What's your favorite computer?

631 :
Mac. Hands down!

632 :
more like pubic bath

633 :
I want to eat ramen at 一蘭. But it’s very popular amongst gaijins which even don’t wear masks at this crucial time.

I can’t go. Gaijins should not be allowed to eat there like putting a sign “NO GAIJINS” in the entrance.

634 :
I want to punch people with no masks in the face.

635 :
You can't wear a mask while eating,
and you shouldn't spend any time at a ramen place after eating.
So what's the matter?

636 :
Mask has not ability to get around the virus.

637 :
Probably the virus issue need a lot translator in the hospitals, police sta etc.
Then, go there everybody.

638 :
Google Voice Assistant become a translator now.
When I say, "where are you from in Japanese"
It responds, "出身はどちらですか"
We no longer need translators in most occasions.

639 :
What do you all think about our value?

640 :
Could no significant relation person watch
"Diamond pricess" in Yokohama?

641 :
More info about keeping away from fucking colona virus.

642 :
I want to eat omanko today because it’s TGIF

643 :
You should go to Bangkok
So many pretty Omanko There

644 :

And much of HIV.

645 :

And much of HIV.

646 :
No way
Made in Japan condoms are invincible

647 :
Today's pic.

648 :
Do you live in Tokyo?

649 :
That's not Good enough.

650 :

651 :
Actually no.

652 :
Is thai ready for english speakes?

653 :
I wish I could play baseball well.

654 :
Thai girls speak a little English and Japanese
And also we can use Google translate so
Mai pen rai

655 :
How to buy them?

656 :
If I studied a lot in my school
I would be an elite.

657 :
But you didn’t. Face the reality.

658 :

What do you think?

659 :
To what rep are you replying?

660 :
There's another issue looks-a-like
which is pork curry beaf curry.

661 :
it is no problem, curry must be chicken curry.

662 :
I suppose that the meat role in the meal is determined by each meal.
and there are the best ones for the type of meal.
chicken is best for the curry.

663 :
beef potato and poke potato is completely a different type of dish.
the way of cooking is also different in these dishes.

664 :
witch curry do you love ?

665 :
Don't eat neco curry poor man!

666 :
The indian curry restaurants use spices. So I like it. The udon restaurants use bar roux. So it's ok. But mostly Japanese curry restaurant's curry tastes like preーpacked curry. I assume there aren't Japanese style curry restaurants in India.

667 :
I like don’t trust pet people. If I were CEO of some company, I wouldn’t hire people with pets.

668 :
a man who doesn't love pets is not to become CEO.
so people who love pets are loved and relied on by the CEO.

669 :
That’s not true.

670 :
I think you're only crooked or something.

671 :
Both are OK coz those two are different thing.

672 :
Today's pic.

673 :
Def you're pshycho.

674 :
Who are you talking to?
I can't understand at anytime

675 :
Give us the anchor.

676 :
As usuall here's Getting only very few posts on Satuaday and Sunday.

677 :
Japan and foreign media does not use the official name Covid-19.
Maybe it is not easy to pronounce or the term new coronvirus is so widely used that changing it is impractical now.

678 :

679 :

680 :
That's not big deal.

681 :
5 reasons why I hate Whites

1. They are barbalic in nature. e.g. they invaded and killed innocent people and colonized them and they actually proud of it and never aplogized.

To be contined

682 :

683 :

Then, offcourse you don't want to go to the olympic games full of whites.

684 :
What makes such difference beef or pork?

685 :
1 reason why I love Japanese

1. They are barbaric in nature. e.g. they invaded and killed innocent people and colonized them and they actually proud of it and never apologized.

To be continued

686 :
Are you a right wing or someone like supports 自民?

687 :

688 :
Who are you talking to?

689 :
Today's pic.

690 :
One more pic picked up is ...
This one!

691 :
You should pay your taxes properly

692 :
Tax haven info needed.

693 :
I wish i would have lived in abroad.

694 :
which country do you want to live in?

695 :
We paid lots of money to Asian countries.

US pay American indians every month.

I heard Chamoro people in guam get some money from government.

So they don't need to work. It's my dream life. Living on tropical island without working.

696 :
I'd like to live in Japan if Coronavirus doesn't spread.
Japan is safe and hygiene. and moreover, the food is delicious.

697 :
Sounds happy.
But, food is expensive!
Corona is not such big deal for now.

698 :
In Japan left wings are rich.
Laughing matter.

699 :
Malaysia Johol.

700 :
>>Corona is not such a big deal for now.
I foresee that many companies fall down in March. almost school will shut down within 2 weeks. and they can not start again within this year. of course, the Olympic games will not hold.

701 :
The Olympic games will be host regardless of the virus.
There's no need for audiences to be there. Broadcasting rights fee is too huge to suspend the games.

702 :
Imagine whether an athlete will go to enjoy the game If it will hold in Wuhan.
Japan will become Wuhan from now.

703 :
Let me guess. The death toll in Japan will be around 1,000 a month later. What do you think?

704 :
I hope Abe and his wife will get the virus.

705 :
To hold The game the audience is no need, but the athlete is needed.

706 :
I should have bought tons of masks so that I can make so money by selling them on メルカリ.

707 :
This is war. we should be prepared against the worst assumed.

708 :
the mask will be delivered free after a week.

709 :
I don’t think so. War for masks is real. You have to wait in line before the drugstore opens.

710 :
No, your estimate is too large. but it is too little if it is at the end of this year. it will be more 500,000
at the end of this year as thinking Spain-flue pandemic.
the situation that is no vaccine, no medical method is almost the same as last Pandemic.

711 :
It is completely short-sighted perception.
Athletes will be in quarantine in the village, thus they do not interact with other people.
And we put in place necessary measures for protecting public health so it is highly unlikely that the situation in Wuhan will be reenacted in Japan. Sorry

712 :

713 :
I report your comment

714 :
Those people always say nasty things about Japan.

715 :
if you want to make money, you should gather many toom stones from now.

716 :
You'd better know about situation of more common flu.

717 :
Unfortunatethere there are some people who hope pandemic will occur here in Japan.

718 :
Who is resonposible for this mess?
I blame the imcompetent Abe administration.

719 :
You think he is almighty God.
That's why you ask him too much.

720 :
even 3700 people and they were contained in the ship, we cannot treat enough well medically
even in this easy case.
so we cannot know how to do the difficult case it consequent from now.

721 :
hahaha. you don't know how difficult it is to contain the virus in such a closed space.

722 :
that case was very easy because if necessary, they could choose open space.

723 :
it's easier said than done

724 :
they have been wrong from the start when they knew virus spread at Wuhan in December first. there were 3 times at least of the chance to prevent it.
they have mistaken them all.

725 :

726 :
as I have seen these processes, It means they have no way to prevent virus spread apparently.
so I predict this will be the same as the last pandemic.

727 :
You hope so

728 :
you don't want to see the reality if it is very serious.
It is the same as a politician.

729 :
you keep introducing yourself

730 :
No.1 is japan except China.
and No.2 is Korea where 560 people infected.
infections increased by 123people because of religious meetings.
on the other hand, marathon Festa held today make many infections in Japan.

731 :
But, how about players?

732 :
of course, tomorrow marathons will hold. w

733 :
In July Japan will become Wuhan to a T.
Do you think the player(you mean athlete?) come to such Japan?

734 :
this guy seems really excited lol

735 :
I wrote blog just before. My blog's PV is scaled just a little. It doesn't go as expected.

736 :
Korean religious people are serious mental illnesses.
Marathon runners also are insane in Japan.
and you seeeeeeeeems really mad.

737 :
Do you guys know “モザイク破壊”?

I was in shock the other day. We have come a long way!

738 :
i began to use an app called ilka(いるか). i found it easy-to-use and interesting.
it's like sns app but comments are shown on the users' screens at random
and they can't tell who posted each comment at when.
they can't reply to or forward each comment either
so that you don't receive disgusting or scary reply from stranger.

739 :
i recently switched natural mineral water i regularly drink from 南アルプス天然水 from suntory
to volvic from kirin.
the reason for this is that the best before date of volvic is much later than that of 南アルプス天然水.
i want to keep bottles of water as long as possible for an emergency purpose
like when i have to survive natural disaster.

740 :
Did you know those mineral water actually are not that clean?

741 :
you should drink it first on the morning.
the body are extremely thirsting when just awake.
first drinking water is important for the body.
so you should drink good quality water.

742 :
Nope .
I don't know.
Tell me about that please

743 :
You should look up “モザイク破壊” on pornhub. You know what I’m talking about.

744 :
Abe deserves the death penalty.

745 :
Our government may begin to take effective measures on the 25th. today they will hold the meeting.
we can select 3 type model.
1. Chongqing model: stop almost all just like Chongqing in China.
2. Taiwan model: stop every exhibition, stop every school
3. alert and observation of continue situation.
I hope to select 1. this is the correct selection. but a very difficult decision.
if select 3, Japan will Wuhan.

746 :
Well, honestly I don’t care because Japan is already dead thanks to ABE!

747 :
Foreigners don't think so, Yen have sustained steady and high level.
but from Feb 19th, Yen tremendously downed, this means something will present out near.
I suspect the government decides to stop the Olympic game
and that its information was leaked.

748 :
How come Abe deserves that?

749 :
Agree.already dead.
That's idleing away pig.

750 :
Kill'em all.

...just kidding.

751 :
Some people keep saying Abe Abe Abe... lol
They always think about him.
That underlines how powerful and influencial he is.
He must be a formidable person for them.

752 :
But I don't think you can change anything by calling netouyo or something.
You just alienate yourself.

753 :
"海航集団" biggest china conglomerate reduced to bankruptcy.
this may not be only caused by the coronavirus.
but this is a new phase of the Chana economy.

754 :
no i didn't.
what do you mean?
should i drink the bottled mineral water well before the best before date?

755 :
i'm waiting gas company maintenance stuff for legal inspection.

756 :
You're waiting for a legal inspection by gas company maintenance staff, aren't you?

757 :
That's annoying.

758 :
Today's pic.

759 :
The another pic of today.

760 :
Stop posting boring pictures. Thanks.

761 :
Do you all love Craigslist?

762 :
Thanks for your praise.

763 :
Who are you talking to?

764 :
To everyone I seem.

765 :
I wish I would hit a homerun on TV.

766 :
If you should be fine tommorrow I would go with you.

767 :
What are you talking about?

768 :
just vocalizing it can fulfill your wish.
Make a habit of just saying it.

769 :
Who are you? God?

770 :
I want to try this but I’m a bit scared.

771 :
I have empty time so I want do anything.
I think this world to break all that for me.

772 :
break what?

773 :
Hey hey c'mon!

774 :
things around Corona get a kind of quite serious!
What's on your mind?

775 :
Things are getting serious, but where has Abe been?

776 :
I hate abe
we must show Democrats power

777 :
Abe will not take any initiatives in this crisis. He has been busy with eating Fugu and so on.

778 :
He's in PM house.

779 :
Why hate him?

780 :
Agree where is he in the meeting etc?

781 :

Asahi is a sneaky dishonest newspaper.
They use important information which is to prevent the spread of
infection as a means of making money.

782 :
I like to make a secret society of english speaker?
What do you think?

783 :
I hate hate hate Asahi newspaper. I cannot believe this.
if the BBC took very important information to prevent infection,
they would inform every person immediately.

784 :
Are you netouyo?

785 :
I can't get the point.
Asahi is good if it's true.

786 :
Reply on anchor.

787 :
Virus inside are 851.
That looks like QUITE a lot but I don't think so.

788 :
Virus holder is the problem!

789 :
Find out a curing way soon!

790 :
I don't like gay.

791 :
Virus holder don't know hisown virus.
So, other one have virus.

792 :
Maybe they the bad virus solution is the worstest
action of Abe"s PM life.

793 :
A medical resource is going to lack soon. now Tokyo cannot accept another infection because they have already taken in 25 infections.
care of pneumonia needs oxygen inhalation apparatus. every hospital doesn't have this kind of apparatus.

794 :
we must pray to God. but don't go church. the church will spread the virus.

795 :
Everything under heaven has a season, and every work has time.
There is time to birth, time to die,
There is time to plant, time to pull out what you planted,
Time to kill
Yes God Now through the virus is doing this.

796 :

797 :
You mean if someone die for the virus
That's for the one's bad behaviour?

798 :
Don't go to public toilet that's one of the places of having the virus!

799 :
Don't get closer to gaijin now in Japan coz
they got very aggressive for the virus issue.

800 :
Sometimes "You got what you deserved" is spoken out.
Sometimes they say that you get penalties against his parent did.
As the fate has determined without any relation to one's will,
whether you will be infected with the virus should have been determined from
the beginning.

801 :
Today's pic.

802 :
Anyway your sentenses are so complic ated.

803 :
I agree! Gaijins are dirty.

804 :
I noticed this a while ago.

Gaijins’ handwriting especially Kanji is pretty bad. They deserves to be stoned to death for that.

805 :
Gaijin terminator available.

806 :
I know a man who is tremendously smart.
but his handwriting is just like a worm, and my handwriting also is pretty bad.
I guess that every bad handwriting man is clever.

807 :
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||Oh,really? Oh my gosh!
 ||=・= ii=・=||
 |(  ノしヽ  )|
 g| i-=-i |g

808 :
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||Don’t give up confidence!
 ||=・= ii=・=||Don’t give up tenderness!
 |(  ノしヽ  )|Don’t give up happiness!
 g| i-=-i |g

809 :
Smart people don’t say that.

810 :
yes, it is true, but if we measure the rate of fate,
that is determined to the probability formula mathematically.
so we are determined by fate and
concurrently we are not determined by mathematics.

811 :
It's a hypothesis, so we have to wait to prove.
how about you try to prove that. if you could have evidence of this fact logically,
it is probably you are clever. but if you don't it means you don't clever.

812 :
You rep to what?

813 :
hey, what is your seeing latest number? thread number may be different. the number I am seeing tells 811, so my number maybe 812.

814 :
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||
 ||=・= ii=・=||True to myself, true to yourself
 |(  ノしヽ  )|

815 :
 ||/ ̄ヽ / ̄ヘ||
 ||=・= ii=・=||Do you wanna have sex with me?
 |(  ノしヽ  )|
 ( ´,_J`) Why not?
 (    )  

816 :
If the virus were to go out I could live life easier.

817 :
I wish I could read french.

818 :
If i should go to china I would kill all the virus chinese.

819 :
I want to have threesome or foursome someday.

820 :
you should distinct Chinese people and CCP.
the virus is CCP(Chinese communist party).
CCP and the top of CCP are evil existence.

821 :
on march 14, let's present surgical masks to ladies who kindly gave sweet chocolates to you on st.valentine's day.

822 :
No. Monkos don’t deserve masks. We men should give them used masks instead lol

823 :
What's the biggining of the virus?

824 :
this photo is worth to be uploaded?

825 :
Which photo?

826 :
I think he wanted to show how empty the Tokyo station area was ... because of the virus

827 :
i see

828 :
This is a pyschological game. You say goodbye to these animals one by one.
1. Cat 2. Racoon 3. Fox 4. Cow 5. Donkey

829 :
In this game, you can figure out what is the important for you.
Cat → sweetheart
Racoon → friend
Fox → pride
Cow → money
Donkey → job
What do you think?

830 :
cat ---------nothing
raccoon -----get out, leave me alone
cow--------delicious, come on
donkey ----shit

831 :
Good morning!

832 :
Hey hey.
Today's pic.
Very sorry for you to wait.

833 :
Why can you speak English fluently ?

834 :
I've no idea.

835 :
I’m secretly hoping the virus kills a lot of white gaijins.

836 :
That's not flu.
That's visus.
Be correct.

837 :
virus I meant .

838 :
Another pic of today.

839 :
Are u art connoisseur?

I like Vincent Van Gogh

840 :
Sorry. Nobody waited.

841 :
Fix your anchor.

842 :
Fuck my life.

And yours too.

843 :
No. He gets some money from 2channel if I write anchor. He is a professional writer.

844 :
No idea.

845 :
You're on the time of say-goodbye?

846 :
I am connaisseur of art.

847 :
I have a date on Sunday! Yay!

848 :
corona virus gangbang ! yay!

849 :
I don’t care about the virus because I don’t go out.

850 :
Now we must spend a great deal of performing reconnaissance and gathering information on our adversary.
this virus is more strong than Sars or Mars.

851 :
you are planning a secluded date?

852 :
You can't keep you away from goin' out completely.

853 :
Concerning the virus?

854 :

by National geogrphic
COVID-19 typically attacked the langs in three phase:
1. viral replication
2. immune hyper-reactivity
3. pulmonay destruction
and causes severe or critical symptoms in about 18% of cases.

855 :
Yas. I’m planning a secluded date like cooking together, watching a movie together and of course fucking also.

856 :
it sounds pleasant.

857 :
Hey hey hey!
Don't get closer each other!
Offcourse don't fuck!
You're nearly killing yourself. right?

858 :
Hello my nippas
I heard the virus is heating up, so don't forget to take your vitamins
Please don't eat any bats either!

859 :

A typical baka gaijin

860 :
Yes, I am stupid. But stay safe

861 :
Stay indoors and drink sake.

862 :
Wash your hand on Sake.

863 :
Also restauran has many people.
Why running?

864 :
The Japanese government failed to contain the spread of the Wuhan virus.
They should haven shut the border to keep tourists from China away late last month or early this month.

865 :
That’s because Abe is a slave dog of China.

866 :
The Discord community of 英語で雑談 will be closed if a new user unavailable.

867 :

868 :
Earn a bit speaking english in Japan.
Tips 1:Buy thngs in Aliexpress and sell them in Mercari.

869 :
I wish I would live very big house.

870 :
If I should be fine tommorrow
I would go shopping in Umeda.

871 :
oh! you are ill, aren't you? I wish you would become fine.

872 :

873 :
Does craigslist of Japan have treasures for reselling?

874 :
I realized speaking English is not so difficult. Difficult part is speaking like a native speaker. For example
Japanese, It's crowded.
Native speakers, It's busy.

875 :
You mean that making money from only
speaking english is so hard?

876 :
I wish i would have been as a doc.

877 :
Buy, elementary's dictionary.
Longman etc.

878 :
Omg. No toilet nor tissue papers at drugstores!!! Fuck!

879 :
Make it by yourself.


880 :
If I should get a lot of money I would pay all my debt.

881 :
You want to look my boobs?

882 :
NO, I want to look at the scene that an anaconda swallows you.
Because I am vorarephilia.

883 :
What's boobs?

884 :
What rep are you responding to?

885 :
She wants to show her boobs. But I'm not boob-philia,
I'd rather like to read a book which strikes my mind.
I like the exciting scene, when I read a book, I'm vorarephilia.

886 :
You don't know boobs? yes, you know. when you were a baby,
you chewed milk every day from your mom's them.

887 :
Fuck off.

888 :
Who the hell are you talking with?

889 :
of course with you.

890 :
I think she is "he",not a woman.

891 :
here is a woman colleague. She has an exposure habit. Sometimes she comes to work without panties. And open her crotch at a glance while working.
At one time, we had a trip with all our employees. and we took an open-air
bath away from the hotel.
Everyone was wearing a long coat because it was winter, but when we were only with two, she opened the front of the court and found nothing underneath.

892 :
If I had a talent for car driving I would be the champ of Indie500.

893 :
Is she Japanese?

894 :
yes, she is pretty young Japanese. I haven't a sexual relationship with her.
but once we were sitting in Kotatu, I have pushed her crotch with my foot accidentally,
but as I don't know it is her crotch I pushed several times until realizing what it was.
she hasn't such experience ever, she may be supposed to reckon it was my sexual approach.

895 :
she is a very shy and poor talker, but her action is brave.
on the other hand, I'm a chatterbox, but I can't do such a courageous thing.

896 :
i'm wondering if it is true that coronavirus is terminated when it is in a hot or humid environment.
i hope that the spring/summer comes and this issue is solved soon.

897 :
softbank sent me a postcard the other day.
it said they would stop providing repair services for 3g feature phone(ガラケー) in aug. 2020.
i know they imply that i should start using 4g or 5g phone instead by then,
but there is nothing wrong with my 3g feature phone at the moment...hmm.

898 :
there seems to be some people who bought toilet paper in bulk.
many packs of 12 rolls (or 18 rolls) of toilet paper should take up quite a space.
do they live in a big house or rent some room for the purpose of the storage?

899 :
You’re using so-called “ガラケー”? You are literally a living dinosaur!

900 :
オープンチャット「Enjoy conversation in English」

901 :
What are you doing today?

902 :
You can buy 4Gガラホ

903 :
Today, I eaten food morning and daytime. And ride my bicycle to go to various place.
Return to home, I shit on the chair of front of my desk and write texts for my work.
I want to sleep so I am in futon now.

904 :
Oh! various places, were you going to buy masks?
I notice that we should never go out to eat or to buy something anywhere crowded.

905 :
Please do not shit on the chair!! (((( ;゚Д゚)))

906 :
Today I learned "sit sat sat".

907 :
all of the public gyms around me shut down due to the political statement via abe.
why private gyms are not applicable ?? it is such a meanleass action i think.

908 :
Coz it's busy and sweat, deep breath.

909 :
Because they have immunity.

910 :
Do you get a 5G smart phone?

911 :
New iPhone may not materialize before us forever, and all people I love disappear forever in front of me because of the China virus.

912 :
American YouTuber secretly gets into Noth Korea and take a photo,
I often see the picture that a lady is going to shit beside the road.

913 :
Phones have the virus.

914 :
Your post means what?

915 :
Do you want to see the picture?
It includes sometimes very young lady. but almost all are old women.
so you need to see many old women pissing before the young one's picture.

916 :
In Japan, standing piss can be seen in rare cases. But that's only for men.
However, when going to a less developed country,
even women do piss on the street.

917 :
Internet site?

918 :
What a co nversation!

919 :
What do you think? Do you still think Japan is a civilised country like “美しき国、日本” or something?

920 :
TIL: Prepare for the worst. Work for the best.

what a good proverb

921 :
ワッチョイW cb9d

This guy is always like that:

・attacking gaijin
・complaining about Abe
・denigrate like >>919

and maybe the guy who always says Eiken is lame

922 :
Yes. Eiken is so lame that even lame people like me can easily pass it.

923 :
Oh, you're the guy.
I remember your said you're Japanese.
But you seem to dislike Japan, right?

924 :
I’m Japanese. I love this country.
So I can’t stand people who are only interested in protecting their interests like Abe and other dishonest politicians.

925 :
where you live can be chosen.
the future can be chosen.
if you want to live in china, you can go to China.
wherever you live is the best place.

926 :
I think selfish people are everywhere. It's not an issue unique to Japan.

927 :
I hope all whites get infected with the virus and die so that people of colour can live in harmony

928 :
All places of the world have lived in strife since the dawn of humanity. Mankind is a history of bloodshed.

929 :
In a wide field of the world.
In the bivouac of the struggle.
be not like a driven cattle.
be a hero of strife.

930 :
I hope all creatures in this universe are going to get infected by coronavirus. The possibility for that is not zero. I’m sincerely looking forward to it. I can’t wait this world turns into chaos.

931 :
I bought a 4G flip phone with android called garaho. I expected it movies faster because of 4G.
But I have to push the button more powerfully because of changing it from Fujitsu to Sharp.

932 :
I hope the country doesn't start panicking this month.

933 :
If country become to panic then I say this "Abe shine" because this virus spread by current government.

934 :
Can I go to gym? Do you think it's insane to go to gym and do workout in this situation? To be honest I don't really give a sh*t about virus

935 :
so dont be carefull.

936 :
it is insane to go to the gym now.
don't you know that Taiwan or Singapore people very seriously care about coronavirus?

937 :
Yes I know that. Japanese are very low compared to them.

938 :
I got your point, but unlike Japan, Taiwan and Singapore have a hope to become one of the most financially succesful countries in the world in the future. Hence they cannot be too careful about coronavirus.
As for Japan, we are doomed to face an economic depression anyway regardless of any kind of pandemic.
To me, some people seem to be afraid too much. Not only do they wear a mask all the time but they buy up hundreds of toilet rolls? Pathetic(sigh)

939 :
ワッチョイ cb9d


940 :
I’m so annoyed by the fact that there are so many people which don’t wear masks!!! They are really Japanese? I doubt that.

941 :
how do we get masks?

942 :
What do you mean by so many people? I live in Tokyo and I feel it's quite rare to find someone who DON'T wear a mask since February.
Even foreigners wear a mask thesedays.

I want to get some too and I need it only because I have pollen allergy but masks are no where to be found due to all those possesive cowards.sigh

943 :
I want some too. I only have about 400 masks left...

944 :
In my area, a lot of people don’t wear masks. I say 30 ~ 40 % of people out there don’t wear masks.

I keep a distance from them. Annoying.

945 :
400 masks? omg that would last my whole life

946 :
Also I have some speacial connection with medical workers. I can get masks from them.

947 :
Masks are useless.
Gaps between each cotton fiber of masks are way bigger than a virus body itself.
Therefore, a virus easily come and go through masks whenever you exhale and inhale.

948 :
They should sell plastic masks like Pepper Lunch staff wearing.

949 :
the hospital near here is all vacant.
it was the place where an old person meets and chat,
but now it is a dangerous place to chat with each other.
so they are in their home not to go out.

950 :
There's more to masks than meets the eye.

951 :
me too!

952 :
Alchohol gel.

953 :
Alcohol gel.

954 :
 ( ´J`) CORONA virus?
 (    )  

955 :
mask doesnt mean anything to avoid virus.

956 :
There is no reason and the truth is plain to see.
Korona Vairusu, my accent becomes more and more correct today,
'case many coronaviruses news flew away

957 :
there is no reason and the truth is plain to see.
I see many politicians talk to people, but I can see only like panda's dance.

958 :
I like to eat gyoza in Osyo. but where many Chinese Arbeit works,
then I avoid taking meals at Osyo.

959 :
I love 王将 too! I always order 2 or 3 servings of gyoza and a bowl of rice. That’s all.

960 :
Panea's dance?
So, disgusting.

961 :
If I had a cool vhecle I would go out soon.

962 :
If I should have some muscle I would make a effost to reduce it.

963 :
I wish I would be a God.

964 :
I love big muscle!

965 :
If it were to be fine tomorrow I would go golfing.

966 :
I want to date with bodybuilders.

967 :
I have a question for the Japanese.
Is 2ch still a large force in Japan internet culture now?
I heard after the 2013 info leak it lost a lot of users.

968 :
2ch is still remarkable in our internet culture nonetheless.
Anonymous is important. it is clear when you look at an information-controlled society like China.

969 :
The CCP (Chinese Community Party) is evil. I did not understand the truth of CCP because I love Chinese and Chinese culture.
You should not do business with an opaque nation.
Information control is all about doing bad things. They calmly lie to hide it.

970 :
In my case, Gyoza is a replacement for rice, so I order 2 plate Gyoza
and just-size Liver-Nira(liver stir-fried with leeks) plate.

971 :
Could you tell me a mean "What a pen!!".

972 :
Gyoza is made of wheat, so as ramen.
Therefore if you order “Gyoza, ramen and rice combination” you will be a fucking fat pig.

973 :
read this, if you want to see the meaning of "what a pen".
so it will become clear.
Deep-sea fishing has ended up being a sporting activity for several fishermen;
individuals contending on who will capture the heaviest fish, or, that will certainly
catch that particular fish that every person desires. When you take a trip out on a b
oat which brings you closer to the underwater globe, there is a rush of exhilaration.
Deep sea angling is not only loosening up, it is enjoyable! The same enjoyment
that comes when you caught your first ever fish, continues to return and once more,
you have a memory that can stick with you for the remainder of your days.
Now you can have that feeling of excitement and adrenaline with you all the time.
WhataPen has created it's Saltwater Lore Pen line for anglers like you.
Each fish body image was hand created by an artist to capture the full effect a
nd look of the actual fish of the deep sea. Then it is put into a resin mold, turned
to size by hand on a lathe and polished to give that real fish look. This is a Magnetic
 Cap pen where you can easily post the cap on either end. It has a Schneider
Topball 850 Rollerball refill that writes like butter.

974 :
I don't know English grammer. I had no chance to learn it. but by my intuition,
I suppose that "what a pen" means the short style of "what kind of pen it is".

975 :
Thank you, I agree with what you say on anonymity.

976 :
"What a pen!!" is an expression, like "Wow" or "Amazing".
You can replace "pen" with any noun (example: "What a show!!")
This expression means that the noun is really good.
If you're saying "What a pen!!", it means the pen is great.

977 :
You are right, your expression is really good.
But is there any other meaning?
For example, what a weird pen! It's a strange looking pen. Is it?

978 :
If a sentence has no subject and no verb, isn't there an abbreviated subject and predicate?
What would be if we supplemented the subject and predicate in "What a pen"?
"What a pen is it" is maybe wrong?

979 :
That is the transition for what a pen

980 :
Sorry, translation.

981 :2020/03/08
You didn't learn grammar. But you answer. What a man.

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