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お題:Is space exploration worth the cost? (宇宙探索はお金をかける価値のあることか?)
It is said that we spend more and more money on space exploration.
I cannot say that it is worthwhile to use so much money on it.
There are three reasons to support my opinion.
The first reason is that it will have little or no relation to our daily lives.
If large amounts of natural resources should be found on other planets, it would be beneficial enough for us, because prices of goods would become lower and lower.
However, there is still little possibility to happen such a thing.
The second reason is that it is not likely to find other places to live in outer space.
Many people believe that there must be other planets which human beings can survive. However, there is still no evidence of it.
Moreover, suppose that we were lucky enough to find such planets, then how could we get there if the planets were very far from earth?
It doesn't seem to be a realistic goal.
The third reason is that space exploration is not the top priority in today's world.
Now there are many problems such as hunger problems, internal conflicts, and so on.
The governments of all over the world should solve the problems and should spend much money for the weak.
From this point of view, we cannot say that space exploration is relatively more valuable action than solving such problems.
Of course, I'm not going to say that every space exploration should be abandoned.
However, I believe that space exploration is not worth spending too much money. (251 words)


Anyone need help from a native English speaker?
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