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【UBJ】山口宇部空港 Part6
世界一周航空券について語ろう 1周目
●パイロット訓練生大量未就職時代到来● Part 2[転載禁止]©
4 :
Hi, Jim-san.
Perhaps, you have already understood them. The followings are the summary of the discussions here.
The original text (>>5 in the previous thread) of the following document was summarized by a person
who opposes the changing BBS configuration. Please note that this document has been revised through
further discussions and reviews here.
Part 1/2.
The person, who wants to change BBS settings to show the prefecture name for each every one of the BBS contributors here, claimed as shown here.
(1) He said “New aspects of this BBS might be discovered.”
*Note: However, it is pointless, and this idea is so subjective.
(2) He said “The system operators of the BBS must agree with me.”
*Note: It’s his creation that he hopes the sysops say so.
(3) He said “Showing the prefecture name is effective for depressing internet trolls.”
*Note: It has been revealed that there is NO OBJECTIVE EVIDENCE supporting this claim. Now, peoples here recognize the claim
as nothing but manipulation of information by him.
Furthermore, he does NOT consider the fact that it is not effective for internet trolls living in prefecture that has plural BBS contributors.
(4) He said “Peoples will be unable to mimic another place’s guy to speak ill of somebody.”
*Note: He entirely excludes a possibility that subjective controversies will occur by trivial country prides.
(5) He said “If the prefecture names are shown here, peoples who speak ill of other place will have to leave this BBS.”
*Note: This opinion might be a projection of his wish that all the unfavorable criticisms concerning his favorite places would be purged.
(6) He said “Anyway, I simply want to know the prefecture’s name of everyone including the guys I don’t like.”
*Note: Sometimes, the reasons why he wants to change the BBS configuration have been varied for this goal.

5 :
Part 2/2.
To above comments, we point out the following articles…
(A) The person who wants to change BBS configuration has varied the reason why he acts so sometimes.
At first, he showed the depression of the internet trolls as a reason. However, he has changed the reasons
when someone illustrated that changing BBS configuration would NOT be effective in the depression.
His behaviors are double-tonged and suspicious.
(B) He claimed that elimination of the idiot comments depending on the places is primary reason for the change.
However, he himself posts idiot comments, in which he labels somebodies by their living places or their IDs in this thread.
He must post more idiot comments when the prefecture’s name would be displayed.
(C) He often claims us to show why we oppose the change with objective evidence.
On the contrary, he himself has never showed the objective evidence in the discussion.
(D) Displaying the name of prefecture is ineffective for the internet trolls with high activity, such as ones appearing discussions in Kansai Airport.
(E) Furthermore, the internet troll himself told us that he AGREES with the changing.
See the responses of ID:iUAQ7cXe0 on September 10th in 2014. It is clear that the changing will make his behavior worse.
Here, we should note that some persons, who participate in the discussions here, are posting offensive comments, attacking somebodies
depending on the target’s locations, IDs or IPs.
(F) It was claimed that the number of these internet trolls, who want to know someone’s prefecture name, is A LITTLE.
So he claimed that negative effect of the change is not important.
However a few internet trolls severely damage the BBS.
On the contrary, he also claims that the display of the prefecture name is effective for the internet trolls
although the number of internet trolls is A LITTLE.
Obviously, these claims have double standards for the estimations of the positive/negative effects on A LITTLE internet trolls.
(G) If someone needs to show where he is, he can declare it as a part of submitted comment or use "fusianasan" system.
Changing the BBS configuration to show the prefecture name of everyone including who want to submit anonymous comments is nonsense.
(H) No matter how goodwill the submitted comments were, they often made the internet trolls mad, and the internet trolls began to attack the person who submitted the comment.
In fact, the internet trolls found the submitter’s place by their comments and IDs, and attacked the discussions in New-Chitose, Chubu and Fukuoka etc.
(I) If the prefecture name were displayed, some anonymous useful comments would be disappeared in this BBS.
It shall lead to the decrease of’s contributors and income from the advertisements.
(J) The person who wants to change BBS configuration says “If you disagree with my opinion, you should show another opinion how the BBS configuration would be changed”.
The best opinion against him is NOT to change the BBS configuration.
What he said should be proposed in the next discussion, not in the current discussion.
And now, some alternative opinion such as the changing the local rules has been proposed.

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