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665 :
国産誘導弾スレ 新しいスレまだ立ってないからここに書かせて頂く
滑空弾 因幡のよっちゃんさん記事
Japan to develop and deploy Supersonic Glide Weapons that can target ships
>The target is attacked from directly above at a 90° dive.
•Block 1 is an early capability version. Its development period will be shortened by using existing missile technologies and by conducting tests of prototype with JGSDF unit.
•Block 2 is an enhanced capability version that makes use of the latest technology, which Japan’s Acquisition, Technology & Logistics Agency (ATLA) calls a “game changer”.
The U.S. Army is currently developing a Long Range Hypersonic Weapon (LRHW), a weapon similar to the HVGP, with the prototype expected to be scheduled for completion in fiscal year 2023.
The development of the HVGP, especially Block 2, is expected to have technical and budgetary challenges, so the possibility of joint development between Japan and the United States is undeniable.
In fact, the Japanese MOD’s official document on the HVGP states that development considerations will be made “with the possibility of international joint development”.
Interestingly, at a symposium held by ATLA in Tokyo late last year, an image of HVGP Block 2 attacking enemy aircraft carriers was released.
According to a report by the Japanese newspaper Mainichi Shimbun on February 25, 2020, the range of the HVGP is about 500 km,
but this is not an official figure, so the actual range is still unknown.
However, logically, increasing the fuel capacity of the rocket to launch the HVGP will naturally extend the range of the warhead.
Japan is currently under threat of ballistic missiles from North Korea and various types of missiles from China,
and the HVGP may be a new solution to preemptively (before their launch) eliminate those threats from a safe distance.

■■■■■■■■■   絶滅 2
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