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come on jim!!!!!!!
ホットヨガスタジオLAVA ★4
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ホットヨガスタジオLAVA ★4
29 :
This is a nice 1 hour practice. I have been doing this week.
1 Please find a nice quiet place to begin your practice.

30 :
2. Stand tall like a mountain at the front of your yoga mat. Consider what you will do during
your yoga session.

31 :
3. Raise your hands above your head, stretching your palms open to the sky. Keeping your palms
facing away from your body lower them down gently.

32 :
4. Breathing in when your back is flat, breathing out when you hang your head down.

33 :
5. Bending your knees, raise your arms above your head gracefully. lift your right leg,
and extend the leg in front. Attempt to keep your right leg at the same angle as your left thigh.
Rotate your right leg to the rear, and lower your torso entering into a modified warrior 3.
Slowly bring your right leg back to the front. Raising your arms above your head returning to the one legged chair pose.
Slowly and gracefully repeat these movements 3 times. At the end of the third repetition.
Lower your hands to the floor. Step your right foot back into a high lunge pose.
Raise your hands above your head, straighten your your legs and bend your knees lowering your right knee towards the floor each time.
Return to the chair pose and repeat with the opposite side of your body.
ゆっくりと優雅にこれらの動きを3回繰り返します。第三の反復の終わりに。床に手を下ろします。バック高い突進にあなたの右足をステップポーズ。 、

34 :
6. Return to the chair pose and press your palms together at the center of your chest.
Rotate your right shoulder towards the sky, placing your left elbow on your knee.
Gaze intently skyward. Return to the center, and repeat on the opposite side of your body.
Find your way back to a sturdy mountain pose.

35 :
8. Raise your right leg up, with twisting hips rotate, bending the knee until the right foot gently drops to the floor.
Right arm extends out stretching your abdomen. Find your way back to three legged downward dog.
Lower your right foot and repeat with the left leg.

36 :
9. Bending knees, lower to the floor with arms outstretched. The butt will sink down towards your ankles causing the back to become straight.
This is the child's pose. Keep forcing the arms forward with the triceps rolled towards the floor concentrating on straightening your back.
With each breath, make the back straighter.

37 :
10.Return to downward dog. Slide forward to plank position. raising the right leg bring the right knee to the right elbow, and returning your leg.
Repeat until you are tired, then on the last repetition. Swish your leg from the left elbow to the right elbow. Repeat this exercise with the left leg.

38 :
11. Slide forward breathing into a plank, lower down and assume the position of upward dog.

39 :
12. Push back to downward dog and steady your breath. Bringing the right knee to your right hand place your calf down perpendicular to the body.
Stretch the left foot back, uncurling the toes with your head resting on the forearms. This is a position of reflection.
Take time to consider what has been accomplished, and what is yet left to be completed.

40 :
13. Press back to a three legged downward dog inhaling. Exhale as your right foot is placed to the outside of the right hand.
Allow the left knee to sink to the mat and press your forearms into the mat in front of you.
Focus your attention on the ground towards the front. Repeat with the left side of your body.

41 :
14. From downward dog glide forward to plank. Raising your right leg sink down bending your elbows and raising back up.
Push back to downward dog and repeat on the left.

42 :
15. Straighten your back and steady the breathing in child's pose. Let go all of the troubled thoughts,
and just concentrate on your breathing. Breathing in and out from your groin to your shoulders.

43 :
16. Push forward keeping your forearms on the floor. Raise your hips let your head sink keeping the straight legs.
Rest comfortably on your forearms. Allow your breath to stay deep and measured.

44 :
17. Rotate the feet to your right. Raising your right arm with a rotation of the left forearm,
steady yourself with hand on hips, then raise the hand high. Plunge your right hand under the left side of the body.
Twisting and stretching your abdomen with ease and gracefully. Raise your left hand again above your body.
Repeat with the right side of your body.

45 :
18. Clasp your hands together forearms on the ground to the front. Walking the feet towards the front of the mat.
Raise your hips up proud and high. Breath steady. Lowering down to a child's position.

46 :
19. Rise up to form a table with your knees and hands on the floor. Thrust your right arm forward and the left leg backwards.
Bend your left knee curling your foot skyward. Reach back with your right hand and embrace your foot.

47 :
20. Slowly release your foot and thrust your hand forward and left foot to the rear. Curl your left knee to the right elbow.
Thrust your arm forward and leg to the rear. Bring your left knee to the left elbow, and right elbow to your hip.
Thrust them back out and repeat. Switching over to the other side of your body.

48 :
21. Enter the child's position. Rise into a downward dog, step your right foot forward, lowering the left heal to the floor.
With your right knee over the right foot. Slowly elevate your hands above your head into warrior 1 posture.
Twist your hips and body to the left with the arms floating down to horizontal right hand in front, left hand to the rear.
Place the right elbow on your knee and bring the left hand toward the sky rotating your hips and shoulders to the left. Gaze up under your arm.

49 :
22. Lower your right hand to the inside of the right foot. Gently ease the left hand down behind your back.
Raise your right hand and clasp the fingers together. Slide your left foot forward, rocking back putting your balance on the left leg,
straighten the left leg until you stand on one foot with your arms wrapped around the body.
Lower your upper body down until the right foot is firmly on the ground and release your bind.

50 :
23. Sliding your left foot back and straightening the right knee bring the arms horizontal.
Turn your left palm to the sky, and slide the right palm down the calf raising the left hand above the head.
Come back up and rotate to the left to repeat on the other side.

51 :
24. From child's position push up into downward dog, then forward to plank.
Rotate your feet to the left and raise your right hand to the sky into side plank.
Bring your left foot to the ground with your knee bent, then place your left hand behind the head.
Bring the left elbow to the left knee. Repeat several times.
Release yourself back to downward dog steady your breath and repeat on the other side of your body.

52 :
25. Relax into child's position, bring your breath back to steadiness.
Sit back onto your knees raising your hands and clasping them together.
Stretch to the right, and then to the left.
Rise up off of your knees place your hands on the hips and leaning back press the hips forward.
Push back into downward dog and let your breath catch up with your body.
Hop forward and vinyasa to mountain position.

53 :
26. Hop to the right turning your body and spreading the legs and feet shoulder width apart.
Raise your hands and gracefully dive down between the legs. Letting the head point down.
Bending your knees slightly rise back up. Clasp your hands behind the back.
Pulling your chest back and shoulderblades together. Lean forward and let your head dangle between your legs.
Rotate the feet to the right, bending the right knee lean forward raising the clasped hands behind your back.
Rotate back to the left and repeat.

54 :
27. Raise the hands above your head again lower them down clasp your feet and release some of the heat that has built up.
Walk your hands to the left, and then to the right twisting the body. Come back to center.

55 :
28. Lower down onto the knees, spreading your knees wide and the feet pointing out to the left and right.
Bring your head and arms down in front allowing the knees to slide farther and farther apart.
Resting your forehead on the floor relax and bring the breathing back to steadiness.

56 :
29. Push back into squat bringing your hands to the center of the chest. Straighten the back and lower your butt allowing the elbows to sink lower and lower.
Place the palms on the floor in front of your body, and lean forward balancing on the toes and hands.
Make a few attempts, and try to release the toes from the ground.

57 :
30. Push back into a squat, and lower yourself onto the left thigh with the left leg bent. Grab the big toe with your peace fingers.
Pull back raising the right leg. Let the right leg fall out to the right turning your head to the left.
Now gather your shin into your arms and embrace it like a baby. Rocking back and forth letting your hips open.
Slide the right arm under your knee and raise the leg even higher. The leg is gently resting on your bicep.
Lower the leg, return to your squat and repeat the process with the other leg.

58 :
31. Come to a comfortable cross legged position, and place your left hand on the right knee.
Twisting to the right place the right hand on the mat behind you. and stretch.
With each breath try to stretch farther. Switch up and twist the other way.

59 :
32. Bring the soles of the feet together with your knees lowering gently with gravity.
Start to raise your feet up holding on to the big toes. As you find your balance on the small of the back let go and straighten your legs. Your arms and legs are straight with the shoulders and head back. Hold your balance for a time.
Then roll back grabbing the feet.

60 :
33. Release your feet, and bring the soles together again. Raise the arms above your head and take a breath.
Thrust the arms forward simultaneously raising the feet and knees and hold the position breathing in and out.
Lift up and set back onto your elbows. Continue raising and lowering the feet and knees.
Release and relax like a corpse. Take some breaths clearing your thoughts.
Concentrate on breathing in and out, in and out.

61 :
34. Raise your knees bringing the feet to the outside of the mat. Let your arms go to the left and right.
Making sure to keep your shoulders grounded on the mat. Let your knees fall gently to the left turning your head to the right.
Take deep breaths from your groin to your shoulders and breathing out again from your shoulders to your groin.
Lift your knees up and repeat to the right.

62 :
35. Cross the right foot over the left knee making an H with your foot and knee square. Drop the right foot to the floor keeping the shoulders flat on the mat.
Release , your arms towards the feet palms down and pick up the hips. Release the hips back to the ground with your breath, and repeat with the other leg.

63 :
36. Move your feet close to your butt, keep you knees pointing up, then circle your hands by your head so the fingers point in the same direction as your toes.
Pick your self up resting on your head, then continue pushing through until your arms are straight.
When you are fully extended, then pick your heals off of the mat, and relax in the wheel position.
Carefully lower yourself down onto your shoulders.

64 :
37. Extend your arms above your head, pick your feet up and grasp the sides of the feet with your hands.
Pulling gently with your biceps, and pushing with your quadriceps pull your knees to the outside of your shoulders in happy baby pose.

65 :
38. Release your left leg to the ground and pull your right big toe with your peace fingers, straightening the leg.
Let the leg fall out to the side with control, turning your head to the left. Bring your leg back to center and pull your knee into your shoulder.
Switch legs.

66 :
39. Grabbing both big toes, pull your feet up and roll over slowly until your toes rest on the floor behind your head.
For support, you should put your hands on your back. Then pick your legs up above your head. This position is called shoulder stand.

67 :
40. Bring your knees down beside your head, and roll to a seated position at the top of your mat placing the soles of the feet together.
Lean forward over your feet and stretch your back.

68 :
41. Lay down on your back, placing the palms of your hands down towards your waist.
Pick up your legs and let them fall to the left pick them up with your breath and let them fall to the right.

69 :
42. Spread your legs as wide as the mat, place your palms up and relax in corpse pose. Breathing in and breathing out.

(´・ω・`)ゆきりん♪ Lesson.8
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