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1 :2018/07/10 〜 最終レス :2018/07/11

TEN Thai cave boys are now rescued: Two children are carried out, leaving just two more and their football coach to be freed from flooded tunnels

By Nick Fagge In Chiang Rai, Thailand and Sara Malm and Charlie Moore For Mailonline and Sam Greenhill, Chief Reporter At Tham Luang Cave, Thailand, For The Daily Mail
22:00 BST 09 Jul 2018, updated 10:37 BST 10 Jul 2018

The ninth and tenth members of a Thai youth football team trapped in a flooded cave have reportedly been seen carried out on stretchers, some six hours into the third day of the rescue mission.

An ambulance has also been seen leaving the rescue area at the mouth of the cave, but there has not yet been an official confirmation of Tuesday's first rescues.

The daring mission to rescue the final four school boys and their football coach, who have now been stuck in the cave system for 18 days, begun this morning.

The governor leading the rescue mission said Tuesday's operation will be more difficult than the previous two days due to the increased number of people who need to be evacuated, but he expects that 'everybody will be out today.'

As well as the remaining Wild Boar FC players and their 25-year-old coach, there are four Thai Navy SEALs - including a medic - who will be extracted once the team are freed today. They have been staying with the trapped school boys since they were discovered huddled together on a muddy ledge 2,620ft (800 metres) underground on July 2.

The rescuers are determined to get the final five out of the Tham Luang Cave in Chiang Rai, northern Thailand, before the monsoon rains make an evacuation impossible.

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