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The Associated Press @AP
Authorities say woman who disappeared while walking her dogs near a Florida lake was likely killed by an alligator.

<Missing woman in Florida believed to be dead after she was bitten by an alligator, officials say>

A missing woman is believed to have died after she was bitten by an alligator, according to Florida wildlife officials.

The woman had been walking two dogs at the Silver Lakes Rotary Nature Park in Davie, Florida, a witness told authorities. Two dogs were found on the scene, and one of the dogs was injured, the Florida Fish and Wildlife Conservation Commission said in a statement.

FWC Pubic Information Officer Rob Klepper identified the victim as 47-year-old Plantation, Florida, resident Shizuka Matsuki.

A 12-foot alligator was removed from the lake by a trapper contracted by the FWC. A necropsy on the reptile indicates that it had bitten the woman, officials said.

Officials believe the woman is dead, and first responders are searching for her body in the lake, according to the FWC.

"This tragedy is heartbreaking for everyone involved, and our sincere condolences go out to the family and friends of the victim at this time," the FWC said in a statement.

Signage about possible alligators in any area is not required by law, Klepper told ABC News.

abc Jun 8, 2018, 5:56 PM ET

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