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【剣盾】ダブルバトル対戦考察スレ Part9
【HOME】ポケモンホーム総合 Part4
一日一体ポケモンを語るスレ その118
9 :
There will be an official announcement shortly.
Several new Pokemon and elements have been announced.
Unfortunately, Sword and Shield can not go to other areas, but "them" can go because new versions are under development.
One of the new elements is the leaked "Jimmaster".
This time Jim has only six leaders.
But there are two Jym Masters.
You can challenge the gym master by defeating 3 gym leaders.
After clearing, you can challenge 10 gym masters and the top “master leader”.
This is a knight's round table motif.
And this time, there is a facility similar to Battle Frontier.
I do not know the details because I am not in charge, but I heard that there is a battle tower and a battle factory.
The soccer uniform that appears in PV is just a costume. The main story has nothing to do with football.
The PV is a video of the fight with Jim Masters.
There is a leak called SPIRIT ARMOUR, which is a fake.
There is a similar system, but the name and system are different.
This work is released on November 23. It will be released almost simultaneously with the new switch.
Part of this result will be clarified in the Japanese magazine "COROCORO COMIC".

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