TOP カテ一覧 スレ一覧 100〜終まで 2ch元 削除依頼
ピノコこと友部 啓子を語ろう2


1 :2017/03/08 〜 最終レス :2019/11/25

2 :

3 :

4 :

5 :

6 :
                                |    7   おい、知恵遅れの鷺沼朝鮮猿
                 _,,.. -──- 、.._     |   ./  
               ,.‐'"´           `` ‐、|   / /  テメー いつまで悪あがきを続けて
            /                  ///  
      ,,.. -─- 、/                    /    逃げ回っているんだ?
    ,.‐'´ _                         ゙i、  
 ∠ ‐ '"´/                          i   このバカチョンが!!!
     ./                                 |  
    ./    ,.イ                        |
   .l    //      ,イ ,1    |ヽ     ト、      !
   i   ./  i  ,   /l / l.l !  、 ト、゙i ,ヘへ、l ヽ.ト、|、 /
   l.  /  .|  /|  /-|←┼‐l、 ヽ ト、!, -─ヽ|─!-l、i /
    ! l   l | ! |、`';:‐-_、._ ヽ、l\l-i'   _,_-='、"~! i"ヽ
.    ヽ!     ヽ|,/l゙、! l(  (80j` l──|. イ80)  l l.  | ) 
          l.(l  l ー-‐'   ,!   l、`゙‐--‐' l  /"ノ
          ヽ ヽ、._l_   _,.ノ  〈>  ヽ、._   _.l_// 
             ヽ、.__,l  ̄    ______     ̄ /、‐'´
               `‐ 、  \ /   , ‐'´‐-ヽ 
                _ ./l` ‐ 、. _,. ‐''"!\ 
            _,,.. -‐'ヽ ̄ヽ,-、シ ̄//  |`‐- 、.._ 
           / i  / /_ 7`‐゙\__.\.  |     i ヽ、
             / l  /   | /||\ / ̄   !   |  ! 

7 :

8 :

        朝 鮮 人 大 嫌 い !


9 :
                . ; '  バサッ!!
              . ・ ' . ; '  
           ハ,  ;'.  ,ハ      ∧ ∧,〜    ゴキブリR!
          < `./   /ω´>     ( (⌒ ̄ `ヽ    _
         / ./   /   \     \  \ `ー'"´, -'⌒ヽ
       ⊂  )/   /  ノ\つ    /∠_,ノ    _/_
              (_⌒ヽ     /( ノ ヽ、_/´  \
               ヽ ヘ }   、( 'ノ(     く     `ヽ、
          ε≡Ξ ノノ `J  /`   \____>\___ノ

10 :
                , ‐'''^^"'''ー、、
      ._..-'" ̄ ̄フ′       `'‐、
    ./     /             \
   /       .!                  l,
  ./        .|                   l
  ./           |                   l
 │     .,..-'"`-、                  ヽ
 ..!    ../      \               !
 ..|    /        ヽ             /
  l   ./             l     ,―、   ._, /
  .ヽ  l          ヽ   ./   .l-'/ 、}
   `'''l、.. -――- .、  / "゙゙゙゙゙゙゙'.l #  i' |.!
     .!      │ l,     ,!     /  
     .ヽ、    _,/ !  `-----'"    .,/
      l`゙゙゙゙´゛  ,!          ,i   l
       ヽ     く_ _./    ゛   /
        ヽ    ___,.、     /.|
           ヽ   }++++゙|      / ト,
         ヽ.  `ー-- '     /  |ヽ
        _,./ヽ      ./    ./  \、
  -‐ '''"  ̄ /  :| \,,,__,,,, /    /    | `'''‐- 、.._

11 :
  .‐'' ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ヽ
  |    ________                         |
  |    |   ∧__∧     |                .. .   . |
  |    |  <`∀´ >     |                      |
  |    |_/   二\  |  人間の皮を被ったゴキブリ.  |
  |    |_/\  \\) |                      |
  |    |     \  \ |.  在日チョン 鷺 沼 良 幸  . |
  |    |    / /\ ̄ ̄ )                  |
  |    |   / /    ̄| ̄ チョウセンゲテモノジジイ  .|
  |    \ \ \     \                   |
  ゝ、     \ \ \     \                ノ

12 :
                  /     /     ̄  /
               /     /       /
            /     /     _/
              ̄ ̄ ̄

    (.`ヽ(`> 、                      /''''''   ''''''::::::\
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  ⊂コ二Lフ^´  ノ, /⌒)                     ,,,ノ(、_, )ヽ、,, .::::
  ⊂l二L7_ / -ゝ-')´                 +    `-=ニ=- ' .::::::: +
       \_  、__,.イ\           +     \   `ニニ´  .:::/    +
        (T__ノ   Tヽ        , -r'⌒! ̄ `":::7ヽ.`- 、   ./
         ヽ¬.   / ノ`ー-、ヘ<ー1´  ヽ  :::::::::::::ト、 \ (  ./ヽ
          \l__,./       i l.ヽ!    . ::::::::::::::l ヽ   `7ー.、‐'´ \-、
 │三│四│五│六│七│六│六│七│二│三│ │ │ |


13 :

14 :
グーグル検索⇒『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


15 :


16 :
So remember your love doesn't mean forever.
I know you've been taken afraid to hurt again.
One more say I love you.
Oh I'm falling love with you.
I love you.

17 :
That's show time.
to love, to dream and to your heart. I send my song.
Get it on
Let's go!! tomorrow
Tomorrow is another day.
Right away
Keep your rhythm and keep your smile
Don't forget that memory
Open your eyes in your dream
In the following tomorrow
Is another day. Is another day.
Your think, your eyes, your way of life,

18 :
This symbol indicates that caution is required when operating the product.
If you do not follow the safety precautions, there is a high and imminent possibility that it will result in death or severe injury.
If you do not follow the safety precautions, there is a possibility that it may result in death or severe injury.
If you do not follow the safety precaution, there is a possibility that it may result in injury or damage to the households nearby or product breakage.

19 :
・ Do not use your IQOS Holder with the cap removed.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
・ If the Pocket Charger has fallen intowater, do not reach for it.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
Should this happen during charging, unplug the IQOS Device immediately and only retrieve it if you can do safely.
・ Do not attempt to repair or open any component of the IQOS Device, or to replace any IQOS component batteries.
Doing so may result in personal injury.
・ In the event of the IQOS Holder or Pocket Charger battery fulid leaking, avoid contact with skin and eyes.
If contact occurs flush thoroughly with water and seek medical attention immediately.
・Do not operate the IQOS Device if it is not working properly, if it sparks or becomes unusually hot when not in use or not in charging mode.
If this happens, stop using the IQOS Device immediately.
・ Do not attempt to `short circult' your IQOS Holder or Pocket Charger by attaching wires or other materials to their contacts, terminals or connectors.
Doing so may result in personal injury.

20 :
Watching you loving you memory forever.

21 :
I love boobs.
I love tits.
I love bazongas.
I love chebs.

22 :
nip slip.
swing boobs.

23 :
She sway and move her boobs.

24 :
I want to lick her uterus.

25 :
Don't touch my pennis.

26 :
I want to rub her boobs.

27 :
I want to knead her boobs.

28 :
Say yes to rape.
Say no to rape.

29 :
Do you like child porno?

30 :
She has very pleasant vagina.

31 :

32 :

33 :
Can you speak Japanese?

34 :

35 :

36 :
J,J1 1993〜2019(27シーズン)
J,J1 1993〜1999,2001〜2019(26シーズン)
J2 2000(1シーズン)
J,J1 1993〜2009(17シーズン)
J2 2010〜2019(10シーズン)

37 :

38 :

39 :
#215 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(前編)
#216 ベイ・オブ・ザ・リベンジ(後編)

40 :
#744 容疑者か京極真(前編)
#745 容疑者か京極真(後編)

41 :
#746 怪盗キッドVS京極真(前編)
#747 怪盗キッドVS京極真(後編)

42 :
#599 プロモビデオ撮影事件(後編)
#600 花時計は知っていた

43 :
#113 白い砂浜殺人事件

44 :
#129 黒の組織から来た女 大学教授殺人事件

45 :
#130 競技場無差別脅迫事件(前編)
#131 競技場無差別脅迫事件(後編)

46 :
#651 命を賭けた恋愛中継(現場突入)

47 :

48 :
#132 奇術愛好家殺人事件(事件篇)
#133 奇術愛好家殺人事件(疑惑篇)

49 :
#217 封印された目暮の秘密(前編)

50 :
#172 よみがえる死の伝言(ダイイング・メッセージ)(前編)
#173 よみがえる死の伝言(ダイイング・メッセージ)(後編) 

51 :
#266 バレンタインの真実(事件編)
#267 バレンタインの真実(推理編)
#268 バレンタインの真実(解決編)

52 :
#632 時の番人の刃(前編)
#633 時の番人の刃(後編)

53 :
#667 ウェディングイブ(前編)
#668 ウェディングイブ(後編)

54 :
#669 くらやみ塔の秘宝(前編)
#670 くらやみ塔の秘宝(後編)

55 :
#123 お天気お姉さん誘拐事件

56 :

57 :
エラミ ミアラナ ラミミ ミミラウ

58 :

59 :
●60th Anniversary of the First Issue of the 5 Yen Brass Coin and 10 Yen Bronze Coin in Their Current Specifications
This year (2019) marks the 60th anniversary of the first issue in 1959 of the 5 yen brass coin and 10 yen bronze coin in their current specifications.
In 1959, the specification for the 5 yen brass coin was switched from the old regular script (kaishotai) to a Gothic script,
and the specification for the 10 yen bronze coin to a non-milled edge.
When the 5 yen brass coin was first issued in 1948 it did not have a hole in the middle,
and was changed to the current from with a hole in the following year (1949).
The 10 yen bronze coin also had milled edges between its first issue and the change of specifications in 1959.

60 :

61 :


62 :
01 ポチエナ
02 ナゾノクサ
03 ミジュマル

63 :
01 バケッチャ
02 ヤンチャム
03 ぺラップ
04 ケロマツ
05 マナフィ

64 :
01 シママ
02 ポカブ
03 マネネ
04 クレッフィ
05 ゲッコウガ
06 サトシゲッコウガ

65 :
01 エルフーン
02 ピカチュウ
03 ヌメラ
04 フラエッテ あかいはな
05 キモリ
06 ムンナ
07 ミュウ
08 セレビィ

66 :
01 ジュペッタ
02 メガジュペッタ
03 ヒトカゲ
04 キバゴ
05 ミカルゲ
06 ジカルデ・50%フォルム
07 ジカルデ・10%フォルム
08 ジカルデ・パーフェクトフォルム

67 :
01 ポッチャマ
02 クマシュン
03 オニゴーリ
04 メガオニゴーリ
05 ラプラス
06 グレイシア

68 :
01 カビゴン
02 ビッパ
03 ミロカロス
04 ゼニガメ
05 ブイゼル
06 シャワーズ
07 ジラーチ

69 :
01 メタモン
02 エレザード
03 ブラッキー
04 オンバーン
05 ニャース
06 ゲンガー
07 メガゲンガー
08 フーパ いましめられしフーパ

70 :
01 ペロッパフ
02 ヤヤコマ
03 ハリマロン
04 リーフィア
05 ニャオニクス オスのすがた
06 ファイアロー
07 ライボルト
08 メガライボルト
09 シェイミ スカイフォルム

71 :
01 ピッピ
02 ミニリュウ
03 カイリュー
04 サメハダー
05 メガサメハダー
06 ナマケロ
07 チョロネコ
08 ヒトデマン
09 エーフィ
10 カイオーガ

72 :
01 イトマル
02 タツベイ
03 ハッサム
04 メガハッサム
05 ニャスパー
06 ギリガルド
07 アーボック
08 ケルディオ

73 :
01 ズルッグ
02 メグロコ
03 ジュプトル
04 ヌオー
05 フーディン
06 ピジョット
07 メガフフーディン
08 メガピジョット
09 イベルタル

74 :
01 ツタージャ
02 プテラ
03 メガプテラ
04 ケムッソ
05 ラッキー
06 ワニノコ
07 ヒードラン

75 :
01 キャモメ
02 ジグザグマ
03 イーブイ
04 ヘルガー
05 メガヘルガー
06 カイロス
07 メガカイロス
08 フシギダネ
09 トゲキッス
10 ギラティナ

76 :
01 ハガネール
02 メガハガネール
03 フカマル
04 グレッグル
05 ヒノアラシ
06 ソーナンス
07 メタグロス
08 メガメタグロス
09 ヤミラミ
10 メガヤミラミ
11 レジロック
12 レジスチル

77 :
01 ゾロア
02 イシズマイ
03 ルカリオ
04 メガルカリオ
05 パールル
06 ミズゴロウ
07 ボスゴドラ
08 メガボスゴドラ
09 ダイケンキ
10 ゼルネアス
11 デオキシス

78 :
01 マーイーカ
02 ムウマ
03 コイキング
04 ヌマクロー
05 クチート
06 メガクチート
07 ガブリアス
08 メガガブリアス
09 パルキア
10 ディアルガ

79 :
01 ナエトル
02 ヘラクロス
03 メガヘラクロス
04 チコリータ
05 プリン
06 シキジカ はるのすがた
07 タブンネ
08 メガタブンネ
09 ジュカイン
10 メガジュカイン
11 ランドロス れいじゅうフォルム
12 ダークライ

80 :
01 フォッコ
02 ヒコザル
03 ゴウカザル
04 エンテイ
05 デスマス
06 アチャモ
07 ブースター
08 バクーダ
09 メガバクーダ
10 バクフーン
11 グラードン

81 :
01 デンリュウ
02 メガデンリュウ
03 ライチュウ
04 プラスル
05 コイル
06 ライコウ
07 サンダース
08 マイナン
09 バチュル
10 ギアル
11 ポリゴン
12 ロトム
13 サンダー
14 ゼクロム

82 :
01 コダック
02 ルンパッパ
03 ヤドラン
04 メガヤドラン
05 トゲピー
06 マリル
07 ラブカス
08 カメックス
09 メガカメックス
10 スイクン
11 オーダイル
12 ルギア
13 メロエッタ ボイスフォルム

83 :
01 ユキメノコ
02 アブソル
03 メガアブソル
04 ウリムー
05 タマザラシ
06 エンペルト
07 チルタリス
08 メガチルタリス
09 フリーザー
10 レジアイス
11 キュレム

84 :
01 ラルトス
02 バンギラス
03 メガバンギラス
04 チャーレム
05 メガチャーレム
06 ゴクリン
07 エムリット
08 ボーマンダ
09 メガボーマンダ
10 マッギョ
11 タマゲタケ
12 レシラム

85 :
01 エイパム
02 チラーミィ
03 ヤナップ
04 エルレイド
05 メガエルレイド
06 アグノム
07 ドレディア
08 メガニウム
09 ニンフィア
10 ドダイトス
11 ブリガロン
12 ホウオウ
13 ビクティニ

86 :
01 ラッタ
02 ミミロップ
03 メガミミロップ
04 サーナイト
05 メガサーナイト
06 ユクシー
07 ヒメグマ
08 ニドラン♀
09 ホーホー
10 ルチャブル
11 ウソッキー
12 ラティオス
13 メガラティオス
14 ラティアス
15 メガラティアス

87 :

88 :
01 デデンネ
02 エモンガ
03 パチリス
04 スピアー
05 メガスピアー
06 ピチュー
07 バタフリー
08 フシギバナ
09 メガフシギバナ
10 ポワルン
11 ジャローダ
12 ビリジオン
13 ゲノセクト

89 :
01 オタマロ
02 ヌメルゴン
03 ツボツボ
04 レントラー
05 アンノーン(F)
06 ラグラージ
07 メガラグラージ
08 フライゴン
09 ギャラドス
10 メガギャラドス
11 コバルオン
12 ディアンシー
13 メガディアンシー

90 :
01 リオル
02 ロコン
03 ワカシャモ
04 エンブオー
05 フワライド
06 バシャ−モ
07 メガバシャーモ
08 テラキオン
09 リザードン
10 メガリザードンX
11 メガリザードンY
12 マフォクシー
13 ファイヤー

91 :
01 ペンドラー
02 ユキノオー
03 メガユキノオー
04 マニューラ
05 シャンデラ
06 ガルーラ
07 メガガルーラ
08 ビビヨン はなぞののもよう
09 レジギガス
10 ボルトロス れいじゅうフォルム
11 トルネロス れいじゅうフォルム
12 フーパ ときはなたれしフーパ

92 :
01 メレシー
02 キノガッサ
03 オノノクス
04 レックウザ
05 ミュウツー
06 メガレックウザ
07 メガミュウツーX
08 メガミュウツーY
09 ヌケニン
10 ウルガモス
11 ムクホーク
12 ゾロアーク
13 サザンドラ
14 クレセリア
15 アルセウス

93 :

94 :
popular combination of Chageyasu it, Chage & ASKA flight of
Toriryo's withdrawal was announced. It ’s a
shame because it ’s an expected combination . I was often sung at karaoke. Dora
Toka Yayaya became the theme song of Ma. Somehow lonely
. Speaking of loneliness, it ’s wolf time! In familiar de
"often'm time" Lama of re-broadcasting is terminated earlier. C
Although S I had been broadcast on TBS channel 2
, it was also broadcast as it is of course top bust. Splendor
wonder if was bought in the 11th episode, suddenly 4 Doa' of continuous ass
scene that from-flops, made up of four consecutive bus stop
. This Irra the eyes ashamed truly of Toshiya-chan
had to. It was a rough era. It was time that
was broadcast before the time
, and it was time again, and there was also Takagi Boo. It's a
mistake that makes men's baths and women's baths wrong, so it does
n't look good with Takagi Boo's character . I thought. Takagi has an
image of appetite or sleep . I think so while normal hair.

95 :
I feel like summer just ends in August . I didn't have summer, my small, medium and friends
so I don't have any memories like going to camp or going to the sea .
I was happy to be alone because my parents worked . State qualifying and Koshi high school baseball
while looking at the garden, it odd to throw the eraser toward the ceiling
had a play to Yatchi. A
ball if it does not reach a certain height . Even if you hit the ceiling. The strike zone is
decided by me , but the judgment is severe. In addition, the hand to catch
in reverse of the hand and the person who threw the cis will hit After the missed take
it Temu. So Hanekae to outrageous direction and hits the ceiling
up Ri Dzurai. Because even ball judgment as was balanced, Stora
needed a subtle control to put the go.
I did this alternately left and right, and recorded it.
I didn't do any free research during summer vacation, but I was researching and developing artificial breasts
I tried putting water in a plastic bag or balloon and making it a certain size. But I've never touched the real thing, so I'm pretty
sure this is the balloon, and my chest part
I was cramming it. Then, it was hard to grudge
, and one of them burst and the vicinity of the heart was disappointed. This is the
middle 2 summer. If I had a heart attack at that time, I
was not here. I think so while normal hair

96 :
Ayabe somehow
ends in August. This month ’s Gibagait is 0.5, so it ’s
500 Mebagaito. There are still more than 14 hours left, but
if you do not use it flashy, you can get over it. But
I wonder tough month after month while. How good will it Once you have
, I may have to look a Mufufu video I but, quite its
I'm not afford to not Uiu.
I've copied only the URL of the video I want to see again, so I 'll see you next month. Moon
Is the end of the, Is a fun Kyasopeso of Dejiraapuri, day-by-day
No get the goods to or Gibagaito in Wari. The main
is a product, but I personally want 50GB
. But I have never been hit. To challenge three times
and that but I get 100MB as a prize for participation, such
huh tears about the sparrow, soon will end. Pull the mind next month
let's look at Shimete well videos. Argue

97 :
Ayabe GB
GB is used up, the moon changes Motarasarema to me again
was. I was able to connect to the internet quickly
. However, it ’s not good to meet the same at the end of the month
. Think about how much you can use a day
. Although this month is 30 days, it will be 31 days to see severely
. 20 GB ÷ 31 days = 0.645 GB. that?
I feel like I had done this calculation before . It ’s good.
Of course, you can't use 1GB per day because it's 20GB. When you see the video, you
'll be gigging right away. Renewal of accident-free world-building.
The video titled “I want to go to oilseed rape”
seems to be interesting. Umm, I hope. Somehow
. Argue

98 :
&#187;575 is at least a little if I went to a decent enough high school Ma
I was able to configure the sheet sentences, but I'm sorry. &#187;576 thin
hair just will not be giving you truly God is also the ordeal
will. Already, there are too few, low head, bad smell, God. Well
, Oi Nakagawa. Daisuke Nakagawa was arrested. Suspect underwear de
Russia. They seem to want underwear when they get drunk.
The police have found 200 underwear from Nakagawa's home
. If you try to search a look at such article "Daisuke Nakagawa", Ike
Men model's came out. Huh? Come, you I, underwear softening theft
or not you enter the Manaku Tatte any number of hands. Oh, yes
, I thought it would be because it was hot, but when I
searched for " Daisuke Nakagawa ", a completely different person came out. Oh, this
person? Yeah, well. Yes. But
why did these two people with the same name have the same difference? The same name and the same name are the same as the name and
name judgment.
Will the model Daisuke Nakagawa get drunk and collect underwear
? Will Daisuke Nakagawa go on the model road?
That's not possible. I think so while normal hair

99 :
Ayabe 444
Finally this thread is also 444. You can see half of it. Oh
door or 500 to go in less than two months. It
will be as usual . There used to be no long cuts or Zoro first getters
. Soya. I still have 2 get, but
there is no crisp. In the TBS radio play-by-play, and the frequency Date
Why, people written in 905 or 954 make the following thread
has become determined. So it seems that there are a lot of troublesome people,
and the momentum gets weaker as the Les number approaches. Beaten and ignored
because Ru. Well, it will be good once instead of ID, statement
or become known in the habit. Is there a word for literary arts? I don't
think so. If not, make it. Argue

100 :
>> 589 To solve the problems that are having some people
to consult on such a fortune-teller in the thoughts cling to straw for that
, but you will, but I was up to you eventually. Palm reading something even example
if e lifeblood of people in a specific geographical area in front of the catastrophe is generally the same place
when I interrupted with, this area is dangerous! In warning and
it's likely to come. Run away!
But no one seems to believe me . By the way,
I watched tvk's Yokohama DeNA Baystars game with supper . However, thunder light! Sano-
san was also surprised. Of course
canceled. Negishi Ana B. I'm worried that the local team would have been safe.
I once again bad in the old story, for the first time 8 Miribi at your own salary
when I bought camcorders, I think I was crazy and happy shooting
. Just as thunder customers also was great in bad weather live and Nagaraso
had taken the state of. At that time, "Bakyan!" Think me
all around the power failure if there is a lightning strike near the feces have. The recording tape still
over-flops have saved. So I can't fool Thunder
. I think so while normal hair

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