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【TOEIC】 ミニ本 Part 2 【特急/道場/澄子】
CNN Student News スレッド Part1
フィリピン留学「サウスピーク」よいよね ★2
洋書・読み終えた本の感想スレ・雑談あり 1
英会話教室・英会話学校 質問&雑談 THREAD 7
149 :
A lot of people have read 200 mile under the sea, written by Bernu, the french author. In any eras, there is a common thing. Pe eople have admiration to what
humankind has not visited so that only imagination is a clue to draw what it is like. So it is, even if in the future it has become a familiar place and is found to be a futil land without lives and any resources under its ground. It is so,
even if human beings find then that lives living there are agry creatures and that it is a world as mercyless as the weaker are just the bates of the stronger.
even to what what will end to just a grim and depressing situation, we have an
admiration only on the basis that we haven't seen it yet.
Humankind might be a creature who always tries to justify the fact they live, so
tries to find some brightness in the future, even if they have to live a boring live
and to end in their lives miserably.
Dreams and expectation. That's what I have heard too often so far.
Haven't you felt a doubt agains them, the reader of this sentence, You!
If you are a kind who hasn't, I might have a kind of pity against you.
No, I don't mind how you are at all. Anyway, we are silly, chasing things having been seen.
The cost of exploration of the space? You require me to answer it!
Fuel for a rocket, the rocket and the vehicle moving around the surface
of a planet, education to people who engage the travel. Those are necessary for the business. That is, just money for it.
Sacrifice is often said to be necessary to attain one's dream.
In the present case, it is money, But, when you know what wait us ends in
despair, it means the sacrifice for the despair. Then, is there any meaningful reason to discuss what cost the exploration of space takes?

通訳案内士試験合格を真面目に目指すスレ Part 22
留学希望者・留学生専用TOEFL iBTスレ その11
SVL・英単語の部屋・SIL総合スレ 6
とりあえずVOA special English マスターしようぜ
英会話 英語勉強系Youtuber
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【速報】北海道で新たに13人新型コロナウイルスに感染確認 10歳未満も2人 ★3
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大東亜明神 【大東 東海 亜細亜 明治学院 神奈川】
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