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オナ禁考察者のスレッド オイラーの虚像禁記録
新型コロナウイルスによる肺炎 Part5
プルームテック使って禁煙を目指そう 2パフ目
【チントレ】ペニス増大法を語ろう 110mm
咳喘息【風邪で咳だけ続くならそうかも】 part16
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(識字率の低さ = 抽象概念の操作が困難、食事量を数値化して日割り月割りで再計算できない)

J Am Diet Assoc. 1998 Oct;98(10):1136-40.
Literacy and body fatness are associated with underreporting of energy intake in US low-income women using the multiple-pass 24-hour recall: a doubly labeled water study.
Johnson RK1, Soultanakis RP, Matthews DE.
Four multiple-pass 24-hour recalls (2 in person, 2 by telephone) were obtained over a 14-day period to estimate energy intake.
Total energy expenditure was measured over the same 14-day period using the doubly labeled water method.
Body composition was measured using dual energy x-ray absorptiometry, and literacy was measured by the Wide Range Achievement Test (WRAT) for reading and spelling.
The multiple-pass 24-hour recall did not generate a group measure of energy intake that was accurate or unbiased in this sample.
Underreporting was strongly associated with increased body fatness. The ability to read and spell as measured by the WRAT improved the accuracy of the women's recall of their food intake.

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J Am Diet Assoc. 2008 Jun;108(6):1003-8. doi: 10.1016/j.jada.2008.03.006.
Underreporting of energy intake and associated factors in a Latino population at risk of developing type 2 diabetes.
Olendzki BC1, Ma Y, Hébert JR, Pagoto SL, Merriam PA, Rosal MC, Ockene IS.
When multiplied by an activity factor (1.20 for sedentariness), expected caloric intake was 1794 (SD=294.0), indicating underreporting by an average of 254 Kcal/day.
Mean EI/BMRest was 1.03 (SD=0.37), and was lower for participants with higher BMI, siblings with diabetes, sedentary lifestyle, and the unemployed.
EI underreporting is prevalent in this low-income, low- literacy Caribbean Latino population. Future studies are needed to develop dietary assessment measures that minimize underreporting in this population.

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Nutr Rev. 2006 Feb;64(2 Pt 1):53-66.
The psychosocial and behavioral characteristics related to energy misreporting.
Maurer J1, Taren DL, Teixeira PJ, Thomson CA, Lohman TG, Going SB, Houtkooper LB.
Efforts are needed to understand the psychosocial and behavioral characteristics associated with misreporting to help improve the accuracy of dietary self-reporting.
Past research suggests that higher social desirability and greater eating restraint are key factors influencing misreporting, while a history of dieting and being overweight are more moderately associated.
Eating disinhibition, body image, depression, anxiety, and fear of negative evaluation may be related to energy misreporting, but evidence is insufficient.

Osong Public Health Res Perspect. 2014 Apr; 5(2): 85–91.
Under-reporting of Energy Intake from 24-hour Dietary Recalls in the Korean National Health and Nutrition Examination Survey
The under-reporting of energy intake was associated with age, gender, education level, income level,
household status (single-person or multi-person), self-rated health, physical activity, and obesity.

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J Am Diet Assoc. 2003 Sep;103(9):1146-51.
Personality characteristics as predictors of underreporting of energy intake on 24-hour dietary recall interviews.
Novotny JA1, Rumpler WV, Riddick H, Hebert JR, Rhodes D, Judd JT, Baer DJ, McDowell M, Briefel R.
Factors particularly important in predicting underreporting of energy intake include factors indicating dissatisfaction with body image;
for example, a 398 kcal/day underreport in subjects attempting weight loss during the past year with a nearly 500 kcal/day underreport in women.
Overall, women underreported by 393 kcal/day relative to men and women evinced a social desirability bias amounting to a 26 kcal underreport for each point on the social desirability scale.
Gender differences also were evident in the effect of percent body fat (with men underreporting about 16 kcal/day/percent body fat) and in departure from self-reported ideal body weight (with women underreporting about 21 kcal/day/kg).

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Public Health Nutr. 2004 Oct;7(7):911-7.
Underreporting of energy intake among Japanese women aged 18-20 years and its association with reported nutrient and food group intakes.
Okubo H1, Sasaki S.
Underreporting, rather than overreporting, of energy intake was predominant in this relatively lean Japanese female population.
BMI was the most important factor affecting the reporting accuracy of energy intake.

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Underreporting of Habitual Food Intake Is Explained by Undereating in Highly Motivated Lean Women
Annelies H. C. Goris Klaas R. Westerterp
The Journal of Nutrition, Volume 129, Issue 4, 1 April 1999, Pages 878–882,
In conclusion, in the studied group of highly motivated lean women, there was 16% underreporting of habitual food intake, which could be explained by undereating.

ハーバード大が抱える大規模コホートのうち、Nurses' Health Study(NHS)のlean peopleはガリメンヘラのすくつであるため

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Int J Behav Nutr Phys Act. 2017 Mar 14;14(1):30. doi: 10.1186/s12966-017-0488-9.
Evaluation of a smartphone food diary application using objectively measured energy expenditure.
Pendergast FJ1, Ridgers ND2, Worsley A2, McNaughton SA2.
FoodNow is a suitable method for capturing estimated energy intake data from young adults.
Despite wide levels of agreement at the individual level (-3709 kJ to 2056 kJ), at the group level, FoodNow appears to have potential as a dietary assessment tool.

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JMIR Mhealth Uhealth. 2018 Jan; 6(1): e17.
Comparing Diet and Exercise Monitoring Using Smartphone App and Paper Diary: A Two-Phase Intervention Study
Result > Recording Diet and Exercise(本文)
In general, recorded food intake was similar using either method;
however, the reported consumption of chocolate snacks (P=.01) and fizzy drinks (P=.002) was significantly lower during the app phase than when paper diaries were used (Figure 2).
It was noted by researchers that the quality of the data retrievable from the app was considerably better in terms of specific foods eaten and sources.
For example, although a paper diary may just say “Chinese take away,” the app would prompt for a more specific description, for example, “Noodles and sweet and sour chicken.”

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