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明後日トランプ来日 外務省、「中国、北朝鮮、韓国、ロシアに、これでもか、と緊密な日米を見せつけたい」 ただし共同声明発表は見送り [507895468]
【闇】 しょこたんこと中川翔子、見ず知らずの他人の猫を「ウチの子」と偽って紹介してしまう。 [585351372]
加戸守行(前愛媛県知事) 死亡 [346914996]
【粛正始まる】韓国民「経済上の人災をもたらすムジェインを討つべし!監獄へ送れ!」…韓国世論に大きな変化 [301619555]
教室でパンツを見せてクラスの男子を挑発する女子高生が見つかる [733935813]
【W杯】ベルギー×イングランド 感想スレ★4 [579583297]
この春、東大理学部生物学科を卒業した美女がこちら [309927646]
ZOZOタウン、職場内で気になる異性の名前を目安箱に入れると飲み会をセッティングする神対応を実施 入社したい [565311438]
船内と職場を往復している厚労省職員90名、検査して陽性だったら仕事が回らなくなるため検査を見送ることに決定!wwwww [873472195]
日本人が中高6年間英語習っても全然喋れないのってなんでなの? [208234178]

ケンモメンって英語勉強してそうだよな。ちょっと英語で会話してみようぜ [508851724]

1 :2019/10/02 〜 最終レス :2019/10/02
Good morning everyone.😄

2 :
what should we talk about in english?

3 :
Big boobs teen

4 :

5 :
fack you

6 :
PM Abe is contemporary God.

7 :
you guys always talking about Abe Shinzo😧

8 :

9 :
Happy tax hike!!

10 :
good morning
whats up?

11 :
How do you do?

12 :
because everyone like him!
he is so popular in Japan!

13 :

14 :

15 :
Fine thank you😄
How about you?

16 :
Kenmomen are like people who study English. Try to talk in English !

17 :
古風な挨拶表現「How do you do?」はほぼ死語?正しい意味と使い方を解説します。 | 英語部
2017/10/02 · 「How do you do?」はなんとなく「How are you?」と同じような認識でいると誤って使用してしまうことがありますので注意が必要な表現です。今回は「How you do you?」の意味をあえて3つ分けることでわかり ...
How do you do?」はかなり ...

18 :
i am not abe

19 :

20 :
English speakers speak such a English lized speaks you know?
Once, in playing PUBG I was talked by a English speaker when accident riding on moterbike, I must have a jumping license instead of a driver’s don’t me? Lol

21 :

22 :
fack you

23 :
fuck ab

24 :

25 :
Beş para etmez bu şrkıı

26 :
I love boobs bigger than F cup.
The woman who doesn't have big boobs is trash.

27 :
i am a pen.

28 :
unkoman vs unknown

29 :
Kanzen ni AUTO

30 :
I regret that I should have studied English more

31 :
Hiroshi Abe said "I am not Abe"

32 :

33 :
My KINTAMA is very itchy.

34 :

35 :

36 :
I am that I am Alpha et Omega

37 :
my toeic score is 875 but ive never used english at work
should i change my career

38 :
You can't beat my boobs

39 :
me too

40 :
Im jap hahaha

普通に流されるYou japan?的に

41 :
17'5 71|v|3 70 5|_33|*

42 :
i am cat

43 :
what your name 'Tokusan' ?

44 :
what made you good at english?

45 :
You are not.

46 :
最近ずっとBig ass,niggas.ってつぶやいてる

47 :
rape me

48 :
I don't know if it's too late!!!!

49 :
Oh,cat! You must shine.

50 :

51 :
I don't like gay.

52 :

53 :
Give it all you've got to speak English fluently more than you would be expected by native English speakers.

54 :

55 :
son of a bitch

56 :
but you are looks like a gay.

57 :
number 5 full tank plz

58 :
self Sanction

59 :
how do you feel to be jap?

60 :
if end if

61 :
even the kenmomen be honest only when you speaking english.

62 :

63 :
what plan you do have today?

64 :
A: Hello! I’m a dog.
B: Me too.

65 :
all your base are belong to us.

66 :
im Hungary

67 :
I hate japs.

68 :
Shut the fuck up.

69 :

70 :

71 :
its okay if you hate japs.
but dont be a dick.

72 :
Abe is insane!

73 :
I love anime.

74 :
how's it goin'?

ok, pretty good!!!

75 :
I feel sorry for it.
I can lend you my mouth, if you would like.
May I help you?

76 :
All those moments will be lost on time,
like tears in rain.
Time to die.

77 :
muy bien gracias y usted?

78 :
I love pennis

79 :
The net right wing is the pig which supports a butcher.

80 :
What's yours is mine and what's mine is mine.

81 :
I have an abe,questions?

82 :
what anime are you gonna watch in this autumn?
let me know if you have an any recommend.

83 :
Ke Ke Kemmomen
Rating women from early morning
Really fun, really fun

84 :
You can use my dick as you want to do.

85 :
😠I think we should discuss what should be done with him.
😠What should be done with him?
😭I don't know.
😠I don't think that's true.
😠I think you have some very definite ideas about what should be done with Danny, and I'd like to know what they are.
😭Well, I think maybe he should be taken to a doctor.
😠You think maybe he should be taken to a doctor?
😠When do you think maybe he should be taken to a doctor?
😭As soon as possible?
😠As soon as possible?
😭Jack, please!
😠You think his health might be at stake.
😠You are concerned about him.
😠And are you concerned about me?
😭Of course I am!
😠Of course you are! Have you ever thought about my responsibilities?
😭Oh Jack, What are you talking about?
😠Have you ever had a single moment's thought about my responsibilities?
😠Have you ever thought for a single solitary moment about my responsibilities to my employers?
😠Has it ever occurred to you that I have agreed to look after the Overlook Hotel until May the first.
😠Does it matter to you at all that the owners have placed their complete confidence and trust in me, and that I have signed a letter of agreement, a contract, in which I have accepted that responsibility?
😠Do you have the slightest idea what a moral and ethical principal is? Do you?
😠Has it ever occurred to you what would happen to my future, if I were to fail to live up to my responsibilities?
😠Has it ever occurred to you? Has it?

86 :

87 :

88 :
Die! monster!

89 :
Yippee Ki Yay

90 :
Fack you.

91 :

92 :
I am a child room uncle.

93 :
are you middle aged in children's room?

94 :
Good morning Kenmomen!

95 :
Hi, butt fucked Hory‐emon

96 :
K-POP is great.

97 :

98 :

99 :
Hi everyone

100 :
Are you Gacky?

101 :
I’m bored, I wanna talk to you.
Plz join us.

102 :
bien. et toi?

103 :
I was gay

104 :
yes i can

105 :
Give me cream pie!

106 :
Ca va pas la tete? T'es con quoi?

107 :
KodoOji is god!

108 :
Non,Je ne parle pas.

109 :
TaX is shit!

110 :
hey whatsup

111 :
hi unko

112 :
They don't go to school
They have no test or anything!

113 :

114 :
you guys could be used to english, but aren't used to conversation. hahaha

115 :
What do you do?

116 :

117 :
i'm cool 21 years hansom geneous guy.
thanks :)

118 :
Why do you think they are student in kenmomen

119 :
Let's sing together Ke Ke No Ke

120 :
ネトウヨは英語で The rightist in the internet なんだな

121 :

122 :

123 :
are you boy's room men???

124 :
I'm so tired from 2ch...

125 :
east Korea jap

126 :

127 :

128 :
Japan is not in the middle age
We are one of the most advanced country in this field

129 :

130 :
Do you wanna shine?

131 :

132 :
Where are you

133 :
every kenmomens has a shining head.

134 :
Kenmomen avoid talking with anyone even in japanese.

135 :
Anyone who doesn’t have a job!��‍♀

136 :
oui? Je vais bien. je suis le shachiku japonais.

tu poucez parler français.

137 :
How do you learn English?

138 :

139 :

140 :
I am a Japanese general adult man.

141 :

142 :
conversation with oversea peaples.
its fun!

143 :

144 :
Japanese is most complex language on the planet
So Japanese is cool
So I'm cool

145 :
Kenmomen can't communicate with someone without internet.

146 :
because of kenmomental. 😉

147 :
l’anglais b’est pas belle ��

148 :

149 :
Abe shine.

150 :
Hello there

151 :

152 :

153 :

154 :
Ootani is great
I is great

155 :
My name is takeshi
Kenmo is Whats up?

156 :
a flying object is launched from north korea

157 :
we are kenmomen

158 :
to be jap or not to be jap that is the question

159 :

160 :
will you please
shut the hell up?

161 :

162 :
i think that talking on comments section of stream is best way.

163 :
I wanna be a NEET
I envy the NEET whose parents are rich and kind

164 :
I am ha gay.

165 :
요즘 어떻게 지내요?

166 :
What type of sushi 🍣 do you like?
My favorite is a California-roll.😋

167 :
Oh, yes.

168 :

169 :
My mother is a dog.

170 :
that's a nice idea

171 :
Or, about wemen.

172 :

173 :
does anyone has any good idea to make japan great again?

174 :
I am a representative of Kenmomen.
I declare that Kenmou fraternizes with Korea !
We love Korean and respect their culture!

175 :
give it up

176 :
The Jap Land Middle Ages
Get extinct !!!!!!

177 :
I'm just middle in studying English.
But I'm bothered by how to use "Would."

178 :
omae baka

179 :
sushi for the weak
just man up and eat crocodiles alive

180 :
know nichi wa

181 :
comment ça va?

182 :
I wanna hold your hand.

183 :
The bottomline is the ever-aging demographics.
We need to tackle that problem if we are to make any significant changes to the shrinking economy / hollowing countrysides.

In order to do so:
- Accept more immigrants
- Curb crazy long working hours
- Lower the cost of raising kids

184 :

185 :
I no idea but Shinzo who would have drastic measures according to Netouyo.

186 :

187 :

you should watch this.
this is the best I've ever seen.

188 :
GOing NOW girisya

189 :
What means ANIOTA ? Pervert or Retarded ?

190 :
le shatiku だと総称的になるので
un shatiku の方が望ましい

Tu peux parler français.

191 :

192 :
jap fool fack you

193 :
alles naa de klote

194 :
Многие Кеммонцы - «саншоку чизу гюдон гао».

195 :
Hello. This is Mikako Tabe
lm very and very happy in the week!

196 :

197 :

198 :
fack you butch clothe zoo

199 :
Je sais pas de tout parler l'anglais

200 :
shut the fuck off

201 :
I will have to live in Germany for 3 months next year.
Please give me some tips to enjoy my Germany life.

202 :
fuck jap

203 :
i recommend fuck in FKK, if you are man.

204 :
drink beer
insert a sausage in your ass
and die

205 :
1.You should go FKK.
2.You should go FKK.
3.You should go FKK.

206 :
can you speak german?

207 :
superuma miss

208 :
Report your current status!

209 :
Unfortunately, no.
I can speak only French and English.
I heard that German are well English speakers, aren’t they?

210 :

211 :
hello ~ ‼︎ everyone
I'm Rika Shiiki

212 :
I'm shipping to the company😭

213 :
hi.have a good trip.

214 :

215 :

216 :
I am make money hate men

217 :
noob hacker

218 :
I heard British Royal Family came from Germany.
So I think English and German are a kind of relative.

219 :
Learning how to use "would" is one of the toughest parts for Japanese student as our mother tongue, Japanese, doesn't have complicated tense forms.
So, it is almost impossible for us to understand how to use tense or what tense is or how it works in English. In many cases, "would" is used to describe an imaginary situation.

"If you were a bird, what would you do?"
"I would fly to my favourite girl's house and peep through a window."

In this case, you are not a bird in reality. This is a perfectly imaginary situation far from reality. So, you should use "would".

220 :
Hey guys
Let me know any contents is suit to improve conversation skill in English.
I feel it's diffecult to understand conversation someone talk to another.

221 :
I have some German friends. Many of them speak English fluently. In particular, their pronunciation is very nice. However, some are not so good. So, I can only say, "It depends."
In general, younger generations tend to speak good English. My German friend said that if a person speaks English fluently he or she could find a decent job and survive in Germany but if he or she wants to succeed, speaking German would be required.

222 :
I am Mangetsu Kamiyama chan!!

223 :

224 :
japanese milf

225 :
to learn a new word is hard for me.
my brain has already aging;-(

226 :
グッドモーニング ミスターケンモウ!

227 :
>>220Going to an English speaking country is the best solution. However, it would not be easy for many. So, having lots of online lessons is what you should go with. It's convenient and affordable. The more you speak the better your English is.
Once you get used to speaking English, your listening ability would be improved significantly.

228 :
There is no damage to me.
Moreover, even if there is damage to you bastards,
it is no relation to me completely.
Since you don't matter to me.
Without exaggeration, even if you guys die, I won't be sad at all.
Because I have not been involved with you in the real world.
In other words, I don't sympathy to you bastards.

229 :
Would you give the URL?

230 :
hew dare you being Jap

231 :
Shut the fuck up

232 :
Hi Uso-Matsu-San

233 :
but they hate each other don't they?

234 :
What do you do?
It's weekday

235 :
fack me!!!!

236 :

237 :
I love abe.
We love abe.

238 :
welcome to anderground

239 :

240 :
Family quarrels are often more serious than quarrels between others.

241 :
Heeeeeey that's the weeeeeeey the news goes!

242 :

243 :
Fuck off!

244 :
Earning 4 billion yen.

245 :
What do you have license something ?
tell me

246 :
We are "ReiwaShinsen Gumi" net supporters club!

247 :
That's a demanding way for beginners. You wouldn't learn much if you can't understand what the other says especially when the other can only speak English, which often happens in online lessons.
I recommend reading English news article at first. The article's topic should be related to your favorite area. It can be more affordable both in money and motivation.

248 :
shit penis R

249 :

250 :
だよな そもそも日本語出来てねえのに何やってんのてね

251 :
why do you write this time?

252 :
everyday is sunday

253 :

254 :
no job

255 :
( ^ω^)英語は常に喉でガム噛んでるみたいな発音で汚いお
( ^ω^)古代ギリシャ語をやるべきだお

256 :

257 :2019/10/02

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