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【iOS】jubeat plus 39th touch【Android/Kindle】
東方アレンジ×音ゲー総合スレ Part.3
beatmania IIDX 24 SINOBUZ 情報スレ part1
サトシ、アイリス、シューティー! 最後のバトル!!
beatmaniaIIDX 六段スレ☆108


1 :2017/07/04 〜 最終レス :2020/03/09

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スーパープリンセスピーチ 2キノピオ

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 5-4の終盤でクリボーだらけの坂 倒しながら登るの繰り返し。






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スーパープリンセスピーチ [無断転載禁止]©

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/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

49 :
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

50 :

51 :
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

52 :
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

53 :

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こ こ か ら 超 濃 厚 な ホ モ ス レ に な り ま す。

           ご 期 待 く だ さ い ! !


56 :

57 :
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

58 :

59 :
/i/|ii!//|!/!i/´i/   .|i |/ノ        i\i!゙、:iヽ|:::|  ヽ 'i  ! ヾi |'!ヽ::::||::::::/:::::::::::::::::::::ヽ
i i 川i!ハ/" _!   | │        川 ヾ:ii ゙'∨     |    ゙ヾiヽヽ;||:::::i':::::::::::::::::::::::::
ノ ノ/リ,,,,,,二三テ=''" ヽノ        ル |ノノヽヾ ノ  、,,,ノ,、     iヽ:::||:::::i'::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
 /   ̄ ´~~゙''''    ゙''‐- ..,,         ,, ‐'    `゙ヾミッ、,,   ヽ::|::::/::::::::::::::::::::::::::::
,,イ|                i'        i"         `'‐='   `'|/i!:::::i::::::::::::::::::::::::
 i | :::::::ヽ::::ヽ::::::ヾ::    ゙、        l       〃:::::       i//::::ハ::::::::::::::::::i:::
  i i \\\\\ヽ     )       ヽ        ′′′   / /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::|::::
!  | i            ,,ィノ         <         :::: :    /:::::/:::::::::::::::::::/::::
i!  i i!            /i/    ,r''''‐y'''.;、  \             /:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/:::::
゙i!  | i          /⌒' 、 Y:::::::::''::;;;;'.;.Y'⌒゙i           /::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/::::/i
 i  i ゙!         ん、,,__ヽノ:::::::::::::::::::;;;;;{,__,,,r''          /:::::::/::::::/::::::::::::/:::://
゙、ii! ゙| i           ノ  ゝ;;;:::::::::::::::::::;ノ 。 `i          //:::::/:::::/::::::::::::/::::::/:::
ヾ!トl ゙iU          i  。l '゛..  ‐ー:::::i    |         //::::::/::::::/::::::/:::/:::::i!::::::
 iiミ! ハ             i  l ,,,,::: :::;;;;;...{ ° ゙、       //::::://::::/::::::/:::::/::::i::::ii::
 i!ヾ!i ゙、!         , '  |::: ::::ヽ   ..}     |゙ヽ......,.,.,.,,,///://::://::::/::::://::::i::::リ::
 !ヽヾi  i゙、  ___,,,/   }:: :  ;;;::: ::::::::}     レWノ'レi/、//::/:://:/:::/::/:::ハ:i |::

60 :

こ こ か ら 超 濃 厚 な ホ モ ス レ に な り ま す。

           ご 期 待 く だ さ い ! !


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66爆音で名前が聞こえません2018/02/09(金) 10:21:19.18ID:XJKcoYni0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING

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73爆音で名前が聞こえません2018/02/10(土) 23:35:39.19ID:GxJxkWiF0

North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING

71 :

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62爆音で名前が聞こえません2018/02/11(日) 00:37:55.83ID:erQeapqG0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING

73 :

74 :

75 :
74爆音で名前が聞こえません2018/02/11(日) 00:38:35.24ID:erQeapqG0
North Korean Leader Kim Jong-un Dead After Apparent Suicide Attack
A report filed by North Korean state media earlier today announced that Kim Jong-un, chairman of the Worker’s Party of Korea and supreme leader of the DPRK,
was killed in an explosion in Pyongyang which was believed to have been carried out by a female suicide bomber.
Few details have been confirmed by North Korea’s state-owned media outlets, and the lack of foreign journalists based in Pyongyang makes corroborating the story hard.
However, at this point the following facts have been revealed by KCTV (????????):
The attack on Kim Jong-un was carried out at around 14:00 local time in the Potonggang District of Pyongyang.
Mr Kim was attending the commemoration of a new state built on the banks of the Potong River when a female spectator burst past security barricades and sprinted in his direction.
Mr Kim’s bodyguards drew their weapons, but before they had a chance to fire upon the female, she detonated a device which is believed to be a suicide belt.
The ensuing blast seriously wounded Mr Kim, and despite being rushed to a nearby hospital he was pronounced dead on arrival.
State media has been completely silent on the topic of who among the DPRK’s remaining leadership may succeed Mr Kim, who held the post of supreme leader after his father, Kim Jong-il, passed away in late 2011.
There exists a power vacuum among North Korea’s elite, with the younger Kim conducting a series of purges aimed at consolidating his power in recent times.
Foreign media outlets have speculated that Kim’s sister, Ms Kim Yo-jung, who currently holds the position of deputy director of the Korean Worker’s Party, is a leading candidate.
“Some analysts claim that during Kim Jong-Un’s lengthy absence from the public eye in 2014, that she may have been running the country.”

The identity of the female suicide bomber remains a mystery, and few details have emerged that shed any light on her identity.YOU WILL TRY TO SLOI DOWN OR ATOP MY COLLECTIOG
Witnesses to the blast were interviewed on Korean state media but were mostly too consumed by grief to share any useful information.
One exception was a younger North Korean man who was interviewed, who reported that the female bomber was ‘exceptionally beautiful’.
“She had half the men in the crowd watching her,” he commented, before his interview was abruptly terminated by KCTV. SOMETHING GIVES ME THE MOST THRILLING EXPERENCE IT IS EVEN BETTER THAN GETTING

76 :

77 :
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             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ
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              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|    
         l.",!    .リ         |
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|
         :! |    ;!   "      .|
         :! !    │        │
         :!:|               ,! i ,!
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !

78 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i
                .i|        |i
                    __,,,,、 .,、
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|    
         l.",!    .リ         |
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|
         :! |    ;!   "      .|
         :! !    │        │
         :!:|               ,! i ,!
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !

79 :

           / ̄ ̄ ̄Y ̄ ̄ \
           l            l
           ヽ,,,/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ,,ノ
           |:::          ::|
           |::  __    __ ::|
          (6  \●>  <●ノ .|)
           !     )・・(    l
           ヽ     (三)    ノ
           , -‐- 、.  二   ノ     
        ┌、. /     ヽ ─ 一' \
         ヽ.X、- 、   ,ノi      ハ
      ⊂>'">┐ヽノ〃     / ヘ
       入 ´// ノ        } ,..,.._',.-ァ
      /   `ー''"´      ,'  c〈〈〈っ<
     /          __,,..ノ ,ノヽー'"ノ
      {          ´    /  ``¨´
    /´¨`'''‐、._        ,'\
     ∨´     `ヽ、     ノ   ゙ヽ
      ∨      ヽ _,,..-'"    `ヽ
     ∨       〈-=、.__       }
      ヽ、     }   ``7‐-.  /
          ヽ     リ    /′  ノ
          /′  , {     /   /
        {     !   ,ノ  ,/′
          !    /  /   `‐-、
        !   ,/   ゙ー''' ー---'
          ',  /
        {   }
           ゙Y `ヽ、
   ______          _| ̄|___
   |____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  | ___
   |\_/  /    ̄ / /    |  | /_ / |___|
   \  /   | ̄|/ /     | |__| |    
     \|    \ /       |____| 

80 :
グーグル検索『金持ちになりたい 鎌野介メソッド』


81 :

82 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,            
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|           
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|           
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ          

83 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,            
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|           
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|           
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ          

84 :
 / ̄ ̄ ̄Y ̄ ̄ \                               
l            l                            
ヽ,,,/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ,,ノ                               
 |:::          ::|                            
 |::  __    __ ::|                             
(6  \●>  <●ノ .|)                              
 !     )・・(    l                           
 ヽ     (三)    ノ                             
  、   二  _ ノ                                
  γ´     \                                 
   / ...::::r ヽ::::..  ヽ                            
  /  .../::::::::::.`ー. i                             
 /  ..:::人;;;;;;::::::::.  ヽヽ                            
/  ―<  \;;;;::::::..  ヽヽ                            
ヽ::....  `ー 、`ヽ、:::  ヽ i                           
  `ー ,,_....  `ー<:::::::   i____     ____ -== __      ニ三 ./  `ヽ     ニ三 ./  `ヽ
      ̄ヽ、  `\  災二―   ̄ ̄ ̄   三ヾ 、     `ヽ ―ニ    ノ      !  ―ニ    ノ      !
        7ヘヾヾ>  |::::::....             三 ≡__    .ノ   ―~~~⌒ヽ     ノ     ―~~~⌒ヽ     ノ
          |::::::: ̄   |≡=―-- ____ =三=― '''"         ̄    ̄           ̄    ̄
        i:::::::     /                          
      ./i:::::    ::/                           
  _,, '";;;;/;::.   :::/                             
 (;;;;;;;;;;;r―|::;    :::/                            
  >''" ̄`ヽ ノ :::/                              
''´         ::::/                              
______          _| ̄|___                   
|____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  | ___             
|\_/  /    ̄ / /    |  | /_ / |___|              
\  /   | ̄|/ /     | |__| |                     
  \|    \ /       |____| 

85 :

86 :
 / ̄ ̄ ̄Y ̄ ̄ \                               
l            l                            
ヽ,,,/  ̄ ̄ ̄ ̄ ヽ,,ノ                               
 |:::          ::|                            
 |::  __    __ ::|                             
(6  \●>  <●ノ .|)                              
 !     )・・(    l                           
 ヽ     (三)    ノ                             
  、   二  _ ノ                                
  γ´     \                                 
   / ...::::r ヽ::::..  ヽ                            
  /  .../::::::::::.`ー. i                             
 /  ..:::人;;;;;;::::::::.  ヽヽ                            
/  ―<  \;;;;::::::..  ヽヽ                            
ヽ::....  `ー 、`ヽ、:::  ヽ i                           
  `ー ,,_....  `ー<:::::::   i____     ____ -== __      ニ三 ./  `ヽ     ニ三 ./  `ヽ
      ̄ヽ、  `\  災二―   ̄ ̄ ̄   三ヾ 、     `ヽ ―ニ    ノ      !  ―ニ    ノ      !
        7ヘヾヾ>  |::::::....             三 ≡__    .ノ   ―~~~⌒ヽ     ノ     ―~~~⌒ヽ     ノ
          |::::::: ̄   |≡=―-- ____ =三=― '''"         ̄    ̄           ̄    ̄
        i:::::::     /                          
      ./i:::::    ::/                           
  _,, '";;;;/;::.   :::/                             
 (;;;;;;;;;;;r―|::;    :::/                            
  >''" ̄`ヽ ノ :::/                              
''´         ::::/                              
______          _| ̄|___                   
|____  | | ̄|  / ̄|  |_  __  | ___             
|\_/  /    ̄ / /    |  | /_ / |___|              
\  /   | ̄|/ /     | |__| |                     
  \|    \ /       |____| 

87 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|           
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |          
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ       

88 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|           
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |          
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ       

89 :

90 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
              .|  .,..‐.、│          .|           
              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

91 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
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             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

92 :

93 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
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             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
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          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
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          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
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         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ    

94 :

95 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
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               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

96 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
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                    __,,,,、 .,、           
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             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

97 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
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             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

98 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

99 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

100 :
          ,,-'  _,,-''"      "''- ,,_   ̄"''-,,__  ''--,,__
           ,,-''"  ,, --''"ニ_―- _  ''-,,_    ゞ    "-
          て   / ,,-",-''i|   ̄|i''-、  ヾ   {
         ("  ./   i {;;;;;;;i|    .|i;;;;;;) ,ノ    ii
     ,,       (    l, `'-i|    |i;;-'     ,,-'"   _,,-"
     "'-,,     `-,,,,-'--''::: ̄:::::::''ニ;;-==,_____ '"  _,,--''"
         ̄"''-- _-'':::::" ̄::::::::::::::::;;;;----;;;;;;;;::::`::"''::---,,_  __,,-''"
        ._,,-'ニ-''ニ--''" ̄.i| ̄   |i-----,, ̄`"''-;;::''-`-,,           
      ,,-''::::二-''"     .--i|     .|i          "- ;;:::`、
    ._,-"::::/    ̄"''---  i|     |i            ヽ::::i
    .(:::::{:(i(____         i|     .|i          _,,-':/:::}
     `''-,_ヽ:::::''- ,,__,,,, _______i|      .|i--__,,----..--'''":::::ノ,,-'
       "--;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;;""''--;;i|      .|i二;;;;;::---;;;;;;;::--''"~
               ̄ ̄"..i|       .|i           
                .i|        |i           
                    __,,,,、 .,、           
               /'゙´,_/'″  . `\            
             : ./   i./ ,,..、    ヽ           
            . /    /. l, ,!     `,           
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              (´゛ ,/ llヽ            |           
               ヽ -./ ., lliヽ       .|           
                /'",i" ゙;、 l'ii,''く     .ヽ           
            / ...│  ゙l,  l゙゙t, ''ii_    :.!           
           : /.._ /    ヽ \\.`゙~''''''"./           
           .|-゙ノ/   : ゝ .、 ` .`''←┬゛           
             l゙ /.   cis.゙ヒ, .ヽ,   ゙̄|           
          . | ./ l      ”'、 .゙ゝ........ん           
          l  /     ヽ .`' `、、  .,i゛           
          .l|  !    ''''v,    ゙''ー .l、           
          |l゙ .il、  .l  .ヽ  .¬---イ           
         .ll゙, ./    !            ,!           
         .!!...!!   ,,゙''''ー       .|          
         l.",!    .リ         |           
         l":|    .〜'''      ,. │           
         l; :!    .|'"    ...ノ,゙./ │           
         l: l「    !    . ゙゙̄ /  !          
         .| .|    !     ,i│  |          
         :! .l.    }    ,i'./    |          
         :! .|    :|    . /     .|           
         :! |    ;!   "      .|          
         :! !    │        │          
         :!:|               ,! i ,!          
         :! ,    .l,      / .l゙ !          
         :! |    , l.     | .|  :,          
       : v'" .!    |'i .ヽ,    ./ :!  .ヽ     

彡 ⌒ミ (´・ω・`)
バトルピラミッド再び! VSレジスチル!!
beatmaniaIIDX 皆伝スレ 126スレ目
悠久のリフレシアは何故大失敗したのか パート3
ひろゆき「iPhone一ヶ月後には誰も使ってない」 - 2
☆☆☆☆ 【2019】九州の高校野球 夏〜秋 各県情報 IDなし特設会場 33☆☆☆☆
ジョジョの奇妙な冒険ラストサバイバー 3か月目
B'z統一スレッド Vol.2402
【新型コロナ】「東京オリンピック中止」という情報が拡散。組織委員会は「事実ではない」と回答 ★3
★●●●ウザい奴の名前を晒すスレ 特別最強版●●●
【トアステ】JOPP-DTV NHK神戸 2曲目【♪JAZZ♪】
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