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アメリカで 失業 - 転職 目指すヤツ ! #2
91 :
"California's home building industry is in the worst shape ever," said
Horace Hogan, chairman of the California Building Industry Association,
the trade group that puts on PCBC, and president of Brehm Communities,
a Carlsbad (San Diego County) home builder, speaking at a news conference.
"Every builder I know has laid off most of their staff, and contractors
and suppliers we've done business with for years have folded up shop."
Hogan had a variety of grim statistics to tick off. Although the 65,000
housing starts in California in 2008 were the lowest ever recorded,
"As bad as last year was, right now 2009 looks like it might even be
worse," he said, citing projections of only 40,000 housing units this
year. That sluggish pace means the loss of more than 360,000 jobs and
$50 billion from the state's economy, he said.
Sam Chandan, president and chief economist of New York's Real Estate
Econometrics, had more downbeat news at a session on the economic
outlook, predicting a huge wave of defaults in commercial mortgages.
"About $300 billion in commercial mortgages will come due between now
and the end of 2009, and the same in 2010," he said. "We lack the
capacity to refinance them. This will lead to a significant increase
in defaults and delinquency rates for commercial mortgages."
"Until financing frees up and the market fires up, we can't do
anything," said Ron Colton, senior vice president for Seastar
Communities, a Sacramento home builder that he described as
"not active at the moment."

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