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リッチー・ブラックモアズ・レインボー その59
【天国?】海外メタルフェス 総合 1【過酷?】
Evoken de Valhall Production part.6
Extreme エクストリーム来日決定 ヌーノ Nuno part 2
【祝来日決定】EUROPE ヨーロッパ
天才シンガーグラハム・ボネットGRAHAM BONNETを語る14
Y&T〜イエスタデイ&トゥデイ Part3
114 :
Kiko Loureiro
What a sad morning. A phone call and the news that Andre Matos passed away.
Life is too fragile. I cried. Since I was 14 years old back in the Rio Branco school,
Andre was already a benchmark. We all wanted to be like him. The unparalleled voice,
the talent for the piano. Luckily, the destiny united us for nine years.
In the years we spent together, we have created and lived incredible things which are kept
in the most special place in my memory. The crazy dream of having a world-famous
heavy metal band that we talked about while sitting on the bus going to rehearsals.
The songs he wrote are timeless (Play Carry On!), the albums… from our first precarious shows
to the big tours in Europe. Everything is coming back to my mind now.
From his peerless high notes to the glance over the round glasses.
Andre, you were and will always be so important to us all.
This week he said he wanted to play together again after 20 years. Too sad.
Your voice, your songs, and your piano will be eternal for all of us fans.. Thank you, Andre. RIP

【Mardelas】蛇石マリナ 2【左手薬指の指輪】
【シンフォニック】 美しいメタルのスレ 【ネオクラ】
LOUD PARK part292
☆BON JOVI-Part.80☆ヨーロッパツアー開始
おまえら、NIKON羊羹は喰いましたか? 4棹目
日本代表DF守備統一スレ part105
今期アニメ総合スレ 1781
ブレインズ・ベース その2
レタス レタス レタス
ドラゴンクエスト 第59章
タミヤMMシリーズを応援するスレ 28
ルナ先生を語ってね〜 14時間目
【SEGA】ぷよぷよ!!クエスト 1076【ギルイベとガチャ大盛り上がりで運営に感謝】
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