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☆英語好きのAmazon Kindle userが集うスレvol.12★
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【コテハン禁止】TOEIC L&R公開模試各回統一スレ329
305 :

お題:Is space exploration worth the cost? (宇宙探索はお金をかける価値のあることか?)

I think that everyone will agree with the idea that space exploration is worth the cost!!!
Because I am so smart that I can easily give you more than 100 reasons!!! Well, as this examination says we can write only 3 reasons, I have no choice but to write only 3 reasons to support my idea, which is against my will.

First, many scientists do agree with spending a lot of money on space exploration.
My friend, who is the professor of Harvard University, said to me yesterday that according to the news, more than 85.6% of scientists certainly agree with this wonderful opinion.
Moreover, my mother's friend, who is a well-known novelist said that there is a lot of gold inside the moon!! We must get a lot of gold by digging up the moon right away!!

Second, according to the research, which was examined by professor Tom, the new bible of Christianity was found yesterday, and it says that we human must do space exploration as soon as possible, which is now a common sense for all Japanese people.
Have you known the fact yet? If you should not know, you have to go to hospital.
To sum up, space exploration is exactly the religiously right action.

Third, to our surprise, we don't have to worry about money.
In fact, though this is a top secret, my old friend is now the president of other country, and he promised me that he would give all the money if Japanese people want to spend a lot of money on space exploration.
How fantastic it is!!!!

For these reasons, there must be no one who disagrees with this wonderful idea.
If some people were to disagree with it, they might be insane.

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