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ハワイ大学 University of Hawaii
ハワイ大学 University of Hawaii
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51 :
In the fight over Prop. 8, confusion reigns
Los Angeles Times  October 31, 2008
Some voters are uncertain whether yes means no or no means yes on the proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage
Speaking out recently against Proposition 8, the proposed constitutional amendment that would ban gay marriage,
former San Francisco Mayor Willie Brown made an appeal for the importance of protecting the rights of same-sex couples.
And then he urged his audience to vote yes on the proposition.
Brown misspoke. He intended to advocate a no vote. But he isn't alone in confusing which side is which.
As election day nears, both supporters and opponents of Proposition 8 worry that voters will be confused
by a choice that can seem counterintuitive: Voting no on the initiative means voting yes on gay marriage,
while voting yes means gay marriage would be disallowed.
There is confusion on both sides over yes meaning no and no meaning yes," said West Hollywood City Councilman John Duran,
who is helping campaign for No on 8.
He added, jokingly, that he has heard supporters of the proposition say,
"I'm opposed to gay marriage, so I'm voting no, and I'm like, 'Yes, vote no.' ",0,2885980.story

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