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1 :2019/11/24 〜 最終レス :2019/11/27


19 years in jail for ex-CIA man from HK

A Hong Kong-born former CIA case agent who later ran a tobacco business in the SAR was sentenced on Friday to 19 years in prison for an espionage conspiracy with China.

Jerry Chun Shing-lee, 55, was sentenced in federal court in Alexandria after his guilty plea earlier this year. He pleaded guilty to conspiracy to commit espionage, but prosecutors and defence lawyers disagreed about the extent of the crime.

Prosecutors say Chinese intelligence officers gave Lee more than US$840,000 and that Lee probably gave them all the information he had from a 13-year career as a CIA case officer. They sought a prison term of more than 20 years.

Defence lawyers say the government never proved that the money came from China or that Lee ever carried out any plans to deliver government secrets.

The sentence was significantly longer than the 10-years sought by defence attorneys.

Lee’s lawyers disputed that their client’s conduct was anywhere near as severe as the government described. The lawyers noted that Lee admitted as part of his plea bargain that he agreed to engage in an espionage conspiracy with China, but never admitted that he actually divulged any secrets.

Prosecutors acknowledged they had no direct evidence to prove what was transmitted, nor proof that the US$840,000 in cash that Lee deposited into his bank account over a three-year period came from China.

But prosecutors said Lee was never able to come up with a good explanation for where he got the cash. He ran a tobacco business in Hong Kong, but it was essentially a failure, prosecutors said.

“The only logical conclusion,” said prosecutor Neil Hammerstorm, is that that Chinese intelligence “must have been getting top-drawer, high quality (information) from this defendant.

Prosecutor Adam Small said the government believes Lee turned over information that was found in a notebook and a thumb drive that were found in his possession as part of the government’s investigation. That included the names of eight CIA clandestine human sources, Small said, people that Lee himself recruited and handled in his years as a CIA case agent from 1994 to 2007.

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