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【算命学】AKB 乃木坂欅坂=LOVE【占星術】
魚と蠍 Part24
281 :
Pisces Quarterly

It will surely help to view this quarter as being in two halves separated by the Full Moon on May 19th.
The first half begins with an extra-ordinary busy 11 days when readjusting and clearing up a mess created in the last quarter is essential before you can move forward.
There may be a financial incentive to do so.
Anticipate much coming and going on the domestic front - possibly connected to neighbours, siblings or because travel options are affected by road works.
From the April Full Moon and though to mid-May impetus the driver seems to be making new connections and exploring - tentatively - a relationship with an 'expert'.
Hobbies, children and ensuring you have enough fun (and romance!) in your life is important from May 19th.
That said, a series of tricky aspects between June 10th and 22nd indicate the need to ensure that you fulfil obligations, keep good time and accept some time regulation.
Arguably this would be an excellent time to site exams or prepare for them.
Then, in the days leading into the solar eclipse on July 2nd, full attention can be given to playtime, enjoyment, and exploring latent creative talent.

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